What then to kill Chateo Tongaro?

Local residents say that the village of Whakapapa – a recreational center one day on MT Ruapehu wings – lost Mogo after the closure of Chateau Tongariro two years ago.
The building located near Mount Rubho was closed indefinitely in February 2023 due to the risk of a high earthquake, and the building still requires widespread reinforcement of earthquakes.
The 96 -year -old hotel was between 70 and 100 people, which kept the works around him including Whakapa Taven and A Cafeteria. There is a row of accompanying buildings behind Shato, which has many hotels, remains empty and in a bad condition.
“We are receiving mixed messages” after the government recently pushed more tourism and investment.
“The government tells us that they are open to business, and they want to see visitors come. This is the time when they have to escalate and show the areas they are interested in in the regions, and the Chateo will be a good place to start.”
Its former operator, Kah New Zealand, re -supervised her to the Ministry of Conservation – where taxpayers cost about $ 2 million annually for basic maintenance.
Ngati Matiko eats the pioneering Weight, and her current condition has come out from the Volte Towers and the buildings surrounding the inflammation.
More about this on TVNZ+
He said that the village of Whakapapa was a gateway to the world -recognized world heritage area, and how the village was presented to reflect how it was estimated.
“If you are a visitor from the outside coming here, I will not think they appreciate it a lot,” he said.
WHAKAPAPA HOLDINGS LIMITED was waiting for a login to run the Whakapapa field for skiing. If it succeeds, that month must happen next month.
The director of WHL Dave Mazi said they are interested in the participation of additional empty buildings in an attempt to restore life to the village. They are also making an attempt to restore the chat.
“The presence of Shato trading adds value to our skiing work,” he said.
Despite the state of the village, WHL would have been able to sell the season passes. In front of CHATEAU, the coffee cart is making a huge trade and it will be there for the ski season.
Any new CHATEAU operator will have to obtain some huge financial support. Along with the cost of reinforcing the earthquake, there are urgent reforms and renewal in addition. A hundred million tours.
Last year, the Ministry of Conservation suspended their invitation to potential investors in the Chateo, but since then it has been invited to interested operators.
In a statement, she told Doc Q&A that it had started the interest expressions process to determine whether there was any interest in the market in Cateau. This, according to the statement, will reach the decision of the Council of Ministers. No final date has been indicated.
The mayor of Rubeho does not want to see the process that continues. People urge to sign the parliament's petition to pressure the officials. He says that the deputies in the Greater Tongaru region were very positive, but he wanted the cabinet ministers to Whakapa while making decisive decisions.
“Come and spoke to the local population to help make a final decision not only in the interest of our region, but New Zealand and the world.”
Sources 2/ https://www.1news.co.nz/2025/03/23/what-next-for-the-derelict-chateau-tongariro/ The mention sources can contact us to remove/changing this article |
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