A new study found that San Matteo, Monterei and Ilameeda are facing a tsunami danger

The earthquake hit northern California, which leads to a brief tsunami warning
The earthquake, which achieved a 7 -scale, has made a mistake in San Andreas, causing a tsunami from Oregon to San Francisco.
California's geological survey has recently released new maps showing that possible tsunami increases the threat of floods in the provinces of Olaida, Monterey and San Matteo, along with other coastal areas that have been appointed to be threatened by previous studies.
The updated maps-which have been released to coincide with the California preparedness week, which begins on March 22-is used new data and improving computer modeling to show the extent of sea water to have a scenario of worst condition, according to the California Ministry of Conservation.
The agency began updating California's tsunamia risk maps after the 2011 Tohoku-OKI earthquake in Japan, which killed nearly 15,000 people and caused tremendous damage, including Fukushima nuclear plant.
“Japan has used data of several hundred years of tsunami records in its planning, which seemed completely reasonable, then it was exposed to a tsunami one day,” said Steve Bouhlin, the Civilian Geology in California and CGS. “Therefore, we use a thousand -year scenario as the basic line of our new maps, hoping to avoid the tragic loss of lives there.”
Here is what you have to know about the recently released California Tsunami.
What are the new areas that were included in California tsunami maps?
For most California, the biggest tsunami threat will be another huge earthquake in the Yutian Islands in the North Pacific.
“These maps depend on the best data we have, but there is a mistake when you try to think about a thousand years, so we are wrong to be careful.” “The maps insulating areas represent this uncertainty. We have worked closely with the local emergency planners to determine the places where the specific tsunami risks have changed so that they can update their evacuation plans.”
The survey might have been designed if a large earthquake hit the East Aleutian Islands and causes tsunami:
Monterrey County
The city of Monterrey and Moses Landing have witnessed slight increases in the pre -tsunami risk areas due to the expected high storms. The high sand dunes were removed near the Salinas River beach and the Monterey Dions Colonie Association from the danger zone. The new maps are local and long tsunami. San Gregorio's mistake passes through Monterey Canyon, and a large earthquake can generate a ground collapse capable of producing a mutation that hits the coast in minutes.
Alamida Province
In the worst tsunami, large areas of Olaida, Auckland and Birkeli can be drained to an 18 -foot height. The Tsunami area has been extended to its danger inside. San Landro, Saint Lorenzo.
San Matteo County
On the side of the Gulf, there are slight changes in southern San Francisco, San Matteo, Foster City, East Palo Alto and Menlo Park. In Burlingame, the Hazard area is extended internally to the 101st Highway. In Redwood City, the Hazard Center Center Park Park and Motions are low off Seaport Street. Parts of the western Half Moon Bay, north and south of Kelly Street, contain a slightly larger danger. The Tsunami area is expanded at the danger of Princeton Airport, Half Moon Bay Airport, Jurana, and Maramar. The danger zone is slightly larger in Passevica and the Pescadiro Creek Valley, and it reaches the 1st highway in parts of the Moss Beach. What other parts of California can reach a tsunami?
In the previously identified areas as in the threat of a tsunami, the floods can reach up to 30 feet above the high tide along the outer coast of the Humboldt Gulf in the Urika region, and up to 50 feet in the city of Al Hilal and Kiocos.
In southern California, a big bacterium can immerse pieces of Marina del Rey, Long Beach, Malibu, and Huntington Beach up to 15 feet above sea level.
You can visit the California Geological Survey site for the wide pyramid map in California.
How long will California residents have to reveal in the event of a tsunami?
According to the Great Aleutian island scenario in CGS, the first tsunami storms will reach the Gulf region and Montere in about five hours.
“It might seem a lot of time, but it will take an hour or so to the National Tsunami Warning Center to issue a warning to California and then an additional time for local authorities to determine whether the evacuation is necessary,” Wilson said. “The bottom line is, if you are near the coast and feel the power vibrating from a local earthquake or obtaining an official evacuation notice, then move inside as soon as possible.”
California's TSUNAMI Webseni's webs page has multiple resources on how to prepare for a possible tsunami.
How many Tsunami hit California?
More than 150 tsunami has hit California beach since 1800, according to the California Geological Survey. Many were barely noticeable, but a few of them caused great deaths or damage – recently, Tsunami for the year 2011 that not only destroyed Japan, but also caused $ 100 million of California ports and ports.
Moss Landing Harbor in Monterey County was severely damaged during the 2011 Tsunami in Japan. Almost all piles of the sidewalk were damaged and it had to be replaced. The total damage was more than two million dollars with inflation 2020.
The most destructive tsunami occurred in California on March 28, 1964, at Crescent City in North California. Several factors were swept to 21 feet to the city near the borders of Oregon California, four hours after an earthquake in Alaska. Tsunami killed 11 people, destroyed or destroyed 289 buildings, causing an estimated damage of $ 15 million in 1964.
Sources 2/ https://www.desertsun.com/story/news/nation/california/2025/03/22/new-study-finds-san-mateo-monterey-and-alameda-face-tsunami-danger/82611895007/ The mention sources can contact us to remove/changing this article |
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