“We do not think that the volcano will erupt”: The island of tourism that the earthquake is affected in a different summer is preparing

Recently, the main problem facing Santorini's picturesque in Greece was the crowds of tourists wandering for the space between the white walls in the city of Oi looking for the best spot of sex sunset.
After that, earlier this year, another problem raised her head – those that were deeply lurking under Santorini millions of years before camera phones turned her to Instagram.
Between January 26 and February 22, more than 20,000 small earthquakes of 1 or top off the Mediterranean Island were registered, according to the Multi -disciplinary committee for risk management and crisis at the University of Athens. One recorded 5.3 on the Richter scale.
Local families with young children and seasonal employees from the volcanic island were evacuated after a state of emergency that also affected the Anafi, Amorgos and IOS islands near. The construction work stopped, and the quiet island season has become quieter.
Santorini sits on Caldira from an old volcano, and owes his existence – and a lot of his tremendous beauty – for seismic forces, and the recent events were a reminder of his sitting of geological rift lines.
Earthquakes have since vanished and raised the emergency in early March. They have been evacuated, schools were reopened and hotels were resumed.
Now with the approaching summer edges, when the island hotels usually fill the capacity, and the ferries and cruise ships are connected, you see the crowds that gather in their tight streets, Santorini is preparing to find out how earthquakes will affect the peak season for tourism.
Villaritus DeMeglu, a Santorini resident and the owner of the Villa administration's business, said his family remained on the island during the active seismic period.
He said: “Many workers who came to the island left in the winter because building construction stopped. They left because they had no work.” “You realize that everything is fine if the schools are open. If something wrong occurs somewhere, the first thing the state is doing is close schools, for example, in thick snow or fires.” A father said to two children, and he said he would not risk the lives of his children if he believed that the situation is not safe for them.
Demoglu said that what is required now is a campaign to promote the state funded by the state to spread the word that Santorini returned to work.
Petros Zissimus, Managing Director of Helenic holidays in New York City, said he had provided questions about Santorini from customers, however, he did not think that the situation was affecting reservations.
He said: “People have stopped buying experiences in Santorini, such as watching tourist attractions, wine development and sailing trips.”
“Santorini needs to polish its image again. Every job owner, restaurant, sailing company, cooking class operator, everyone must make a contribution to creating an environment that shows that Santorini is great again.”
Hotel owners on the island responded to the fall for April and May, the first two months of the season, at attractive prices and greater reservation.
Marcus Shamenos, whose family has five hotels in Santorini, which is the Canaits Group, said they had no cancellation. Vergings, however, are slow during the high seismic activity.
“For a long time, there was a lot of fake news … It is clear that people were crowned and not very confident in the reservation,” he said.
“Now that confidence has recovered quickly, especially for the beloved destination like Santorini, we see more reservations to come. People want to travel to the island for the iconic sunset, unforgettable experiences and global hospitality.”
He said that the Canaits Group will allow the cancellation even a week before the non -refundable reservations for certain periods “as a precautionary measure, to show confidence.”
He said: “If you are traveling, I want to be able to determine two or three weeks, or even at the last minute, if I really want to go, based on the facts.” “I can't confirm enough that everything is due to normal.”
While yacht covenants are not generally linked to flexibility, companies such as Kensington Tours said they find solutions to their wealthy clients, when needed.
Edita Sgovio, Vice President of Yacht and Villas at a company based in Toronto, said she had not witnessed the influence of reservations.
She said: “Consumer confidence, especially on the charter side, is very high … Santorini is the destination of a bucket. If you are going to Greece, this is one of those sites you want to see.”
“We are working with a yacht captain and yacht owners. If there is any effect when they travel, of course, there is great flexibility to postpone or move the dates.”
Philip Dragoumis is a London -based wealth manager whose wife descends from Santorini. They own Serapias Suites, a small hotel called a local orchid roaming from Rocky Earth, in the village of Exo Gonia.
He said that his wife's father, 98, and his mother, 92, remained in their village Fotons during the swarm of the earthquake. “They were reasonably calm. We were more worried than they were.”
“It may be the right time to reserve [a vacation] now. “The prices have decreased a little,” Dragumis said.
“anyone [in the tourism industry] Whoever thinks it will be a great year is to deceive themselves. “However, these things tend to forget them. You can see an increase in the late reservation in April, May, June,” he said.
Dragome said he believed that Santorini may not be busy like previous years, which were shattered by the record, which witnessed that visitors' numbers amounted to 3.4 million. “When there are fewer people, it is a beautiful place to be,” he said.
Diane Mick Feldman and her husband Henry, both of them retired, are excited to spend three nights in Santorini as part of a long before marriage trip to Greece. She said that the last thing in their minds is the last earthquake that affected the country's main destination.
“I think we are models of New York residents. Henry said,” Why do you worry about it now? We will be there in June. ”We didn't think much.
Mick Feldman said that friends who recently returned from cruises called Santorini told them that the destination was “an island that had to be seen.”
Now it is the focus of their Greek vacation. Mick Feldman noted that while they were interested in the luxury of Santorini's residents, they understood that seismic activity was “a geological event that occurs from time to time.”
“We heard many local visitors and residents left the island because the tremors were large and frightening,” she said. “We are optimistic. We thought that if anything catastrophic happens, this will happen sooner and not later. Then we heard [the seismic activity] He was reducing people, they were returning. ”
Mick Feldman said they did not think about canceling their journey because of the earthquakes.
When asked about travel insurance, she said they had taken out comprehensive coverage. “Not only because of the tremors in Santorini, but because we live in a world where there are viruses and things. We want to make sure that we are covered.”
In a offer to support the travel industry in Santorini, Greece's Minister of Tourism met Olga Kivalian, with local authorities and business representatives on March 17, where she conveyed the message of optimism.
“Santorini is one of the leading tourist destinations in the world. Land with a unique beauty, a rich cultural heritage and exceptional hospitality.”
“The island has been gradually returning to normal. She said that the state responded with a plan, ensuring the safety of the population and visitors.
The minister said that the scientific committees continued to monitor the situation closely, and the measures required for prevention and security were already implemented. She added: “The infrastructure has been strengthened, and civil protection plans have been updated and targeted to support the tourism sector that is being implemented.”
“The global tourism market messages are encouraging, and it confirms that Santorini is still a good and organized destination, and ready to welcome visitors from all over the world.”
The mayor of Santorini Nikos Zorizis told CNN that the earthquakes did not cause any harm, but the indication that preventive works were ongoing to alleviate the landslides in certain areas such as those that were seen on the sides of the roads all over the world. He said he expected to be 2025 “a very good year for visitors as they should be able to move throughout the island a little easier.”
He said that geology and architecture students were particularly welcome. “We are interested in hosting visitors who have specific areas of importance … Santorini, after all, as a result of great geophysical forces,” Zorizis said.
In February, video posts for social media that were created from artificial intelligence depicting volcanic revolutions in Santorini appeared on Tijook and X, thwarting people such as the ocean photographer and geologist Evi Nameko, whose roots are on the island.
Speaking to CNN, she also kept criticism of scientists who talked about seismic activity and the possibility of a strong earthquake without data to support their claims, which is concerned among some local population.
She said that the sequence of the earthquake began, many believe that Santorini's Colombo volcano will erupt. Nomikou said it is studying the volcano, which is located 4.3 miles (7 km) northeast of the island at a depth of 1640 feet (500 meters), since 2001.
She explained that the seismic activity was tecton – not volcanic – and arose from errors in the Anydros basin, where the volcano is.
Nomico said that the researchers revealed the movement of magma in the deepest part of the earth in this field. “Fluids convert the Ezelos errors that cause earthquakes,” she explained.
“We don't think the volcano will erupt, allow me to say that it is in capital messages. But this is a very active volcano that needs to be monitored.”
Namiko pointed out that the local population felt reassured that knowledge scientists were there and continued to study Colombo and the volcano of Nia Kamini, a famous attraction on the ground. She said, “We always maintain the local population.”
After an early visit from March to Santorini, which is famous for its white wine, Ashirteco, which reflects his mature mother -in -law and metal tones volcanic soil on the ground, the wine writer in Athens Elinian Kivalu expressed her romantic eating of the seismic phenomenon.
“If the time has come to go, I prefer to happen in Santorini, where he has discovered after thousands of years, similar to Pompei, instead of running a car in Athens,” she said.
Sources 2/ https://www.cnn.com/travel/greece-santorini-earthquakes-summer-tourism/index.html The mention sources can contact us to remove/changing this article |
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