Ukrainians refine skills to rebuild the country while living in Japan

The look of Anna Muroz was the intention because it was taken in the exhibits during a tour of the great Hanchin Ouiji earthquake in Kobe.
In addition to teaching disasters, the museum documents the struggle of the people to rebuild the city and the nearby towns after the heart damage to which the great Hanchin earthquake was caused in 1995.
After that, the 24 -year -old from Ukraine could not curb her tears.
She said: “Although it did not result from the war, learning from how to overcome many natural disasters will be valuable when we deal with rebuilding,” she said.
Moroz was part of a group of Ukrainian women who visited the museum in late January.
The tour is one of the aspects of the training programs facilitated by an alliance of Japanese language schools. Known as Japanese support for Ukrainian students (JSU), more than 40 schools have joined the country.
“Very good for us”
Since Russia's invasion began in February 2022, Jsus has accepted more than 100 displaced Ukrainians in its first batch and provides free Japanese lessons as well as various help in stability in their host community.
The new alliance project has started since last fall and includes training a team of 10 Ukrainians to acquire knowledge and skills that will be valuable in rebuilding.
Moroz is among the ten members who were chosen from her peers who arrived in Japan last year.
Besides taking a Japanese course at the Sepht Institute of Information Technology and Japanese Language in Osaka, it is also working as an Inte -paid coach, which specializes in maintaining power lines in Nishinomiya, Hyogo Governorate.
The president of Inte Yoshitsugu ienaga, 79, is keen to provide his support.
He said: “I thought it might help them even in a small way if the Ukrainians had an opportunity to learn and find out how the infrastructure is preserved in Japan.”
Enaaga, 79, was born in the year in which his nation surrendered in World War II.
I feel angry at Russia's invasion, and JSUS learned during a period of donation to the Ukraine issue while searching for a more effective way to provide assistance.
Morose has studied electronic engineering at Kiev University.
IENAGA plans to obtain experience in her to conduct research on the international market on specialized vehicles that deal with electrical lines and CAD (design with computer help), as well as in sales activities.
Enaaga said he admired her efficiency.
“It is very smart and quick -educated,” said Morrose.
“It is very good for us,” said Einaga. “She should work in Ukraine for her country.”
New safety and roots
According to the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, an estimated 6.9 million Ukrainians are still abroad today.
It is not easy for them to go home with continued fighting.
Some put their roots in the countries they have resorted to, and start new jobs.
A recent poll conducted by the Japan Foundation, a special organization that funds charitable activities, including support for about 2000 Ukrainians, that all Ukrainians who fled to Japan hope to stay in their host country for at least some time.
Of the 887 respondents, the largest demographic, with 44.4 percent, answered that they want to stay for “as long as possible”, followed by 27.1 percent planning to stay “for some time until the situation in Ukraine becomes stable.”
Only 1.4 percent answered that they hope to return “as soon as possible”, showing the survey.
In similar opinion polls, the share of the respondents who seek to stay in Japan “for as long as possible” with continued surveys.
The years to follow
Moroz said she hoped to return to Ukraine in the end, but she admitted that it is unlikely to happen for some time.
She said that large numbers of drones in Russia continue to fly over its hometown near the Russian border, which exposes it to a constant threat of the attack.
She added that living in Japan was her dream for a long time because she loved the Japanese anime because she was very small.
Among the primary group of 104 Ukrainians who accepted JSUS, 25 have already started working in Japan.
These 25 represent nearly half of the individuals in that first batch, with the exception of other members who follow higher education or ongoing classes in language schools.
Most of those who fell in jobs in the service sector, including hotel industry, but some have been set by IT companies.
Maria Bundreenko, a 22 -year -old Ukrainian, has worked as a public relations employee for JSUS since last April, and is now carrying a role in helping her citizens to relieve life abroad.
“Many Ukrainians will be concerned about their safety and job opportunities even if they return to their homes,” she said. “It is normal for them to want any change in an environment that they finally adapted to.”
However, Bondrinko said it was convinced that the experiences of Ukrainian youth in learning and working in Japan will eventually contribute to rebuilding their destroyed but flexible country.
“Japan has flourished economically, as people worked in older generations hard after the end of the war to bring happiness to children and grandchildren,” said Bondrenko. “I hope to convey a feeling of the unit that Japanese society has been sharing since that time to my colleagues in Ukraine.”
Sources 2/ https://www.asahi.com/ajw/articles/15648933 The mention sources can contact us to remove/changing this article |
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