Trump pieces can lead to a northern western earthquake and volcano warning systems northwest

When multiple tectonic dishes meet, on the roll of fire in the Pacific Ocean, the western coast of the United States sits, where the TV mountains are spread in Oregon and Washington with an active volcano at an amazing distance from the main metro areas.
The area is also prone to the risk of a catastrophic CASCADIA cutting area, and may be recorded in the high 8 to 9.
Scientists have worked for years to create systems to monitor volcanoes and earthquakes on the western coast and maintain people's safety.
But the discounts in funding from the Ministry of Governmental efficiency billionaire Elon Musk, which was established by President Donald Trump, threatens these ongoing monitoring efforts as well as research that may make Oregon safer in the coming years.
“It was two months exhausting,” said Peter Rogero, Professor of Oregon State University and works to prepare for the earthquake with the Cascadi coast and the Risk Research Center.
He said, “We are lucky.” “As of now, we haven't had direct discounts for our program.”
Rogero said there are already indirect effects.
His project in the fourth year of a five -year financing course and in the process of preparing its annual report.
But the National Science Corporation funds the project, the demobilization of workers and nomination there, “The people who are responsible for financing go to a lot of chaos,” Rogero said.
The visits of the site and the future were canceled unclear.
The Research Center is studying preparation for all types of disasters, from earthquakes to climate change, and its work runs a series of geological sciences behind these disasters to social sciences related to evacuation and preparedness for society and communication.
“All this preparation and mitigation, the adaptation work is incredibly effective money in terms of whenever it spends in time and energy in advance, when the actual disaster or the disaster occurs actually, the amount of losses is reduced a lot,” Rogero said.
He said that financing these projects provides money in the long run, and provides lives.
“It will be, from our point of view, is very horrific for the region, if this financing is withdrawn,” said Rogero.
Until now, Rogero said, they do not expect the money not to come for the next year, but they are concerned that some of the axis of their project, including the flexibility of climate change and the involvement of groups that suffer from a lack of services, contradicts the priorities of the current management.
He said: “We are doing what he was originally asked to do.” “So this is the strange Catch-22 that has many of us.”
Northwest seismic network in the Pacific Ocean is also competing with the indirect effects of government efficiency management.
The northwestern seismic network in the Pacific Ocean runs a vast network of seismic stations throughout Oregon and Washington. These stations monitor earthquakes and volcanic activity, and Harold Topin, network manager, said, requires a lot of maintenance.
The network works with the United States's geological survey to preserve these stations, many of which are in remote areas and are managed by solar panels.
But the freezing of spending in USGs means that although employees are not released, they are not allowed to travel overnight, even if this work maintains seismic stations.
“I don't want anyone to think that we have stopped observing volcanoes,” Topin said. “We didn't do it. But these are real challenges and they will happen over time.”
Data coming from these stations is crucial to understanding volcanoes, earthquakes and continuous research.
It also feeds on Shakealert, the system that gives people a small amount of warning before the earthquake reaches them.
Shakealert discovers earthquakes at the epicenter of the earthquake where they start and when you discover three or four earthquake stations, it sends alerts to people who may be affected. But Shakealert requires Seismograph stations, more than 700 of them, to work.
“Most of my budget is federal,” said Topin.
He pointed out that there is a reason for this, echoing Rogero.
“It has been repeated and repeatedly, all over the world, and certainly in the United States,” the money that is spent on already mitigates provides a lot of dollars from recovery after a major catastrophic event. “
Sources 2/ https://www.union-bulletin.com/news/northwest/trump-cuts-could-compromise-pacific-northwest-earthquake-and-volcano-warning-systems/article_73dfdfdc-7906-4d8d-b2f5-742f4360dddf.html The mention sources can contact us to remove/changing this article |
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