The heat from the sun provokes the earthquake activity on Earth

When the Earth shakes violently, the entire cities can collapse within minutes. House, hospitals, roads and life can suddenly fade. Despite the progress of technology, the prediction of earthquakes remains a challenge. But scientists have recently discovered an unexpected idea that may help improve predictions: sun heat.
Scientists understand the basics of earthquakes. The Earth's crust consists of large tectonic panels, and huge rock panels move slowly but constantly. When these paintings are rubbed against each other, pressure accumulates. In the end, this pressure suddenly released, causing an earthquake. This explains how earthquakes occur, but the prediction is exactly when they will strike are still very difficult.
Micro -predictions are vital, especially given the last destroyed earthquakes. In 2011, Japan witnessed an earthquake of 9.0, which led to the tsunami and the Fukushima nuclear disaster, killing more than 18,000 people.
Likewise, earthquakes in Haiti (2010), Turkey and Syria (2023), and the Indian Ocean (2004) caused catastrophic damage. The improved prediction can save thousands of lives by allowing time evacuation and better preparation.
Clarify the analyzed earthquake catalogs. Earthquakes appear as semi -transparent red points, and the boundaries of the panels appear in black. (Credit: Openstreetmap) Explore the effect of the sun
Recently, researchers have begun to look beyond the same earth to find factors affecting earthquakes. Some studies indicate that the forces of gravity of the moon or the electromagnetic effects of the sun may affect the Earth's crust. Now, new research indicates directly to the sun, especially its temperature, as a possible factor in the operation of earthquakes.
Japanese University of Tsukuba scientists recently studied how solar activity, such as solar spots, may affect earthquakes. The results, published in the Journal of Scientific Journal Chaos, reveals surprising links between the solar heat and the Earth's temperature and seismic activity.
Solar spots are dark spots on the sun caused by a strong magnetic activity. During periods of growing solar spots, the sun emites the heat a little more. Although the temperature change on Earth is small, about 0.1 to 0.2 ° C, scientists believe that it may still affect the planet shell, especially in shallow depths.
“The solar heat drives changes at the temperature of the atmosphere, which in turn can affect things such as the properties of rocks and underground water.” He explained that “such fluctuations can make the rocks more fragile and prone to breakage, for example – and changes in rain and melting snow can change pressure on the boundaries of the tectonic plate.”
Although the solar heat may not directly cause earthquakes, it appears to play a supportive role by affecting the conditions in the Earth's crust. This makes her an interesting factor for scientists who predict the earthquake.
Data analysis to improve predictions
To test their theory, scientists used advanced sporting models and computer simulation. They analyzed previous earthquake records, solar spot activity, and changes at Earth's surface temperature. Their results showed that including solar heat and temperature data improve earthquake prediction, especially for shallow earthquakes.
“This is logical,” note its Saldan, “because heat and water often affects the upper layers of the Earth's crust.”
The sun as the orbit of solar energy sees it in the light of extremist UV rays from about 75 million km. (Credit: ESA / NASA / Solar Orbiter / Eui Team / E. Kraaikamp, ROB.)
The deeper earthquakes, which originated from inside the Earth's cloak, showed a small connection with the heat of solar energy. But shallow earthquakes – which can be very devastating – are affected by slight temperature transformations. The improved accuracy of predictions, even small, can help highly prepare for potential disasters.
“It is an exciting direction,” Saldanha said. “We hope our study will shed some light on the largest image of what leads to earthquakes.”
Why is earthquake still difficult?
Although this research is promising, the prediction of the earthquake is still a challenge. Seismologists – scientists who study earthquakes – use many factors to estimate earthquake risks. They are studying historical earthquake patterns, geological records and final tremors. However, there is no way so far you can reliably determine when and where you will strike earthquakes.
The complexity of the earth adds to this difficulty. The inner part of the planet is a scene that constantly changes from molten rocks and solid cortex, and is affected by internal pressures, water movements, and external gravity forces. Each worker adds uncertainty to predictions.
Seismologists – scientists who study earthquakes – use many factors to estimate earthquake risks. (Credit: CC BY-SA 4.0)
The possible relationship between solar heat and earthquakes add another layer of complexity. But it also provides scientists a new, precious factor that must be taken into account when creating prediction models.
The potential effect of the best prediction
If future studies confirmed the role of solar heat in seismic activity, the prediction of the earthquake may become more accurate. Even minor improvements in earthquake can significantly reduce damage and loss of lives. Societies may have hours, days, or even weeks of warning to evacuate and secure critical infrastructure.
Earthquakes often lead to secondary disasters such as tsunami, landslides, and infrastructure failure. Early and more accurate earthquakes predicting can help emergency services in preparing better response plans. The most accurate prediction also reduces economic damage, which often extends to billions of dollars, and helps societies to recover faster.
Future search trends
Despite these promising results, more research is necessary. Scientists have more investigation on how solar activity affects the Earth's crust, especially in different depths. Expanding studies to include different regions around the world will also help confirm the reliability of these results.
“Although these factors may not be the main engines of earthquakes, they still play a role that can help predict seismic activity.”
With research progress, scientists hope to discover more hidden bonds between Earth and space. With every discovery, societies around the world gain valuable tools to protect themselves from future earthquakes. This new understanding can make the difference between tragedy and safety when the next land begins to trembling.
Sources 2/ https://www.thebrighterside.news/post/heat-from-the-sun-triggers-earthquake-activity-on-earth/ The mention sources can contact us to remove/changing this article |
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