Size 6.8 The earthquake is drawn off the lower southern island, and the danger of strong currents

“The evacuation is not required, but there is a potential risk near the coastal line,” was published in X.
“We ask people to stay away from the beach and water. Strong and unusual currents may be experienced.”
A mobile alert has been issued in the state's bottom of the southern island. The evacuation is not required but there is a possible risk near the coastal line. We ask people to stay away from the beach and water. Strong and unusual currents may be experienced.
– Mark Mitchell (Markmitchellmp) March 25, 2025 danger near water
In an update issued before 6 pm, the National Emergency Management Agency (NEMA) said that the danger of dangerous currents is expected to continue until around 8 pm.
“We expect the New Zealand coastal areas to suffer from strong, unusual currents and unpredictable offers on the beach,” Nima said.
“Strong currents and shows can affect and drown people. There is a danger to swimmers, surfers, fishing, and anyone in the water or near it near the beach.
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“The people in the sea or near it in the following areas should get out of the water, and far beaches and the beach areas and away from ports, marines, rivers and rivers.”
The areas under the threat of the western coast of the southern island of Milford Sound to Puysegu Point.
People with boats and live letters and Marinas should leave their boats/ships and move to the beach in order to be told that they are safe to return.
There is no need to evacuate other areas unless it is recommended directly by the local civil defense authorities. Coastal immersion is unexpected.
People must:
He moved from the water, outside the beaches and the beach areas and away from the ports, Marinas, a river and town of terminology do not go to the coast to see the unusual wave activity where there may be a dangerous and unexpected list that cannot be predicted by the local civil defense authorities and follow any instructions with the family, neighbors and coastal areas at risk of strong waste. Photo – Nema'Students' has been evacuated
More than 4,500 people reported their feeling of an earthquake, as one person in Tuataper described as “long sore”.
“We had things to fall on the shelf [sic]. One person said on Facebook: “The external wooden dance dances.”
TE wawae Local Bay was studying in Riverton when he shook the building for 10 to 15 seconds.
She said, “We had a tremor now in Obuki.”
“A few of us are in publishing stories.”
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She said: “The students were evacuated to a field and a clearing area, and she was required to walk to the old hospital, where the buses will come in time.”
“I managed to return to school and get home.”
Dundin also took to Facebook regarding shaking.
One of the residents said: “Yes, we are on the eighth floor of Deniden Hospital. The curtains were swinging, and we were” sitting “on the bed. A little frightened to be honest.”
One of the parents said: “Yape has long been sitting in my car waiting for the children and the car was shaking.”
Sources 2/ https://www.nzherald.co.nz/nz/strong-magnitude-69-quake-strikes-off-lower-south-island/HPFYSQVVQREA3EH3PU4ERBCRT4/ The mention sources can contact us to remove/changing this article |
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