Decades of progress in reducing the death of children and stillbirth under threat, warns the united nations

The number of children died globally before their fifth birthday decreased to 4.8 million 2023, while the stillborn -born was modestly reduced, there were about 1.9 million left, according to two new reports published by the Inter -August group of the United Nations for the estimate of the death death (UN IgME).
Since 2000, the death of children has fallen by more than half and stillborn by more than a third, encouraged by permanent investments in survival of children around the world. In 2022, the world reached a historic turning point when the death of children first fell below 5 million. However, progress has slowed down and too many children are still lost in causes that can be prevented.
“Millions of children today are alive because of global commitment to proven intervention, such as vaccines, nutrition and approach to safe water and basic sanitary protection,” said UNICEF CEO of Catherine Russell. “Bringing the death of children who can be prevented to record is an extraordinary achievement. But without the right choice of politics and appropriate investment, we risk reverse and difficult gain gain, and millions of more children die than causes that can be prevented. We cannot allow this to happen.”
The decades of progress in the survival of children are now at risk because the main donors have announced or indicated a significant reduction in help. The reduced global financing of the survival programs in rescuing life causes health workers shortages, clinic closure, vaccination programs and lack of basic stocks, such as malaria treatment. These cuts seriously affect regions in humanitarian crises, countries affected by long and areas with already high fatalities of children's mortality. Global funding reduction could also undermine the efforts of monitoring and monitoring, making it difficult to reach the most vulnerable children, the group warned among agencies.
“From solving malaria to the prevention of stillbirths and ensuring the care based on evidence for the smallest babies, we can make a difference for millions of families,” said Dr. Tedros Adhana Ghebreyesus, CEO of the World Health Organization. “Ahead of global financing reduction, it takes more than ever to enhance cooperation before to protect and improve the health of the children.”
Even before the current funding crisis, the pace of progress on the survival of children has already slowed down. Since 2015, the annual rate of mortality reduction from under the age of five has slowed down 42%, and the reduction of stillbirth is slowed down by 53%, compared to 2000-2015.
Nearly half of the death of under the age of five occurs in the first month of life, mainly due to premature birth and complications during childbirth. In addition to the newborn period, infectious diseases, including acute respiratory infections such as pneumonia, malaria and diarrhea, are the leading causes of children's death that can be prevented. Meanwhile, 45% of late dead childbirth occurs during childbirth, often due to maternal infections, prolonged or obstructed childbirth and lack of timely medical intervention.
A better approach to the quality health care of the mother, the infant and the child at all levels of the health system will save many more lives, according to reports. These include promotional and preventive care in community, timely visits to health care institutions and healthcare professionals at birth, high -quality antennatal and postnatal care, good child preventive care such as routine vaccines and comprehensive food programs, diagnosis and treatment of joint childhood diseases and specialized care for small and ill -stored.
“Most of the deaths of children who can be prevented in low -income countries, where basic services, vaccines and treatments are often inaccessible,” said Juan Pablo Uribe, the Global World Bank Director for the health and director of the global financial facility. “Investing in children's health provides their survival, education and a future contribution to labor. With strategic investments and strong political will, we can continue to reduce children's mortality, unlock economic growth and employment opportunities that are of use to the whole world.”
Reports also show that where the child is born to a large extent affects their chances of survival. The risk of death five years ago is 80 times higher in the country of the highest mortality from the country with the lowest mortality, for example, while the child was born in Subsaharian Africa, an average of 18 times more likely to die before it was five of one born in Australia and New Zealand. Within the countries, the poorest children, those who live in rural areas and those with less educated mothers face higher risks.
The differences in dead birth are equally difficult, and almost 80% appeared in Subsaharian Africa and South Asia, where women are six to eight times more likely to still be stillbirth than women in Europe or North America. Meanwhile, women in low -income countries have eight times more likely to still be stillbirth than those in high -income countries.
“The differences in children's mortality in the UI within the countries are still one of the biggest challenges of our time,” said UN Secretary General, Li Junhu. “The reduction of such differences is not only a moral imperative, but also a fundamental step to sustainable development and global capital. Every child deserves a considerable chance of life, and our collective responsibility is to ensure that no child is left behind.”
UN members invite governments, donors and partners in the private and public sector to protect the difficult gains in rescuing the lives of children and accelerated efforts. Increased investments, integration of services and innovations are urgently needed to increase access to proven services that save life, nutritional and social protection for children and pregnant women.
Notes to the editors
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Two reports – levels and trends in children's mortality and counting each stillborn – are the first in a series of important global data sets published in 2025. Mother's mortality data in the UN will be published in the coming weeks.
O UN Igme
The United Nation's intermediate nation for assessing children or UN-IGME was formed in 2004 to share data on children's mortality, improve the methods of assessment of children mortality, reported on the progress of survival goals and increased the capacity of countries for timely and properly estimated estimates of children's mortality. UN IGME runs UNICEF and includes the World Health Organization, the World Bank group and the population department of the Department of Economic and Social Affairs of the United Nations.
Sources 2/ https://www.who.int/news/item/25-03-2025-decades-of-progress-in-reducing-child-deaths-and-stillbirths-under-threat–warns-the-united-nations The mention sources can contact us to remove/changing this article |
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