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The coast warning it is 6.8 earthquake shakes Sawathland

The coast warning it is 6.8 earthquake shakes Sawathland



The south is struck by subsequent tremors, as the authorities warn of “strong and unusual currents” of an earthquake this afternoon 6.8 opposite the Sahel of Sawtland.

The earthquake of 2.43 pm, which was focusing on the southwestern coast of Tuataper, was widely perceived throughout Sawtanda and Otago as people reported the vibration of buildings.

Cath Johnson, director of the Hafmun Bay School in Stewart Island, said two semesters “were rescued under offices” with the earthquake.

Since then, large -scale reports have been recorded on shiny tremors with Geonet.

The civil defense observer, Ali Kurd, issued an update at 3.40 pm, which led to a tsunami threatening to land, but urged caution on the coast.

“Strong currents and ostriches can affect and drown people. There is a danger to swimmers, surfers, fishing, and anyone in the water or near it near the beach.”

The area under threat was the bottom end of the southern island of Milford Sound to PuyseGur Point.

“People in the sea or near it in [that area] You should get out of the water, beaches and beach areas and away from the ports, vessels, rivers and rivers.

People throughout South Land were sent to an emergency alert to their phones, saying that the evacuation is not required, but they are a potential danger near the coast.

Updates are published on

GEONET reported that the earthquake occurred at 2.43 pm.

“The earthquake was a depth of 33 kilometers away and the shaking was strong near the earthquake,” said Gionet.

Reports recorded throughout the south were recorded.

Strong shaking in Invercargill, Quentown, TENAU and Dundin.

Tania Hughes said: “We are from the Aittown near Inferkargel and the earthquake was strong,” said Tania Hughes.

A mobile alert has been issued in the state's bottom of the southern island. The evacuation is not required but there is a possible risk near the coastal line. We ask people to stay away from the beach and water. Strong and unusual currents may be experienced.

MarkMitchellMP, March 25, 2025

Levi Swatridge said the earthquake was tangible on Stewart Island.

“No harm, but definitely rocked and noticeable noise.”

Tania Hughes at Wagitown, near Inferkargel, described the earthquake as “strong”.

“I felt like a rolling earthquake, not sharp but long.”

“I felt creeping because he went for a long time.”

She said that there was a vibrator, before “eased and returned again.”

Olivia Cling felt the earthquake in the Philip Ling building in Deniden, saying he was the first to feel it ever.

“The strangest volatility/influence on a chair was about 10 seconds.”

The ODT reader said there was also a “decent softening” at Deniden Hospital.

One of the employees of the Ottago Daily Times in Inferkargel said that all employees left the building when the shaking was felt.

Other readers reported that they feel an earthquake in Balclutha, Waikiwi, Manapouri, Alexandra and Clyde.

“We have sponsored under the offices.”

Kath Johnson, principal of the Hafmon Bay School, said that children abroad in the school swimming pool did not feel shaking, while the children were inside.

“The other two categories have been shaken a little and we all saved them under the offices.”

Mrs. Johnson said that the school was not included in the evacuation because the earthquake occurred near 3 pm.

We were not completely sure, but we thought we would evaluate the fact that there is nothing to fall on the shelves. “

The school did not receive any text alerts.

She said: “Everyone around the Gulf is still walking in their business, so I invited not to evacuate the high land.”

Stewart Island is about 100 km from Snares Island, the epicenter of the earthquake.

Bruce Ford, a resident of the island for a long time, said that it took a few seconds until the earthquake was registered with them as there were absolutely no warning signs.

Of course, consider twice if you actually imagine if a machine is walking on the road.

“There was a double cliff and things began to shake and felt that the train would have come in the past.”

Some pictures have moved a little. They are all outside a square now. But Mr. Ford said that the foreign woman was working in his garden she did not feel shaking. Seismic has always been uncertain with them.

“You don't know where the big wave comes from the following.”

While he was talking to Outago Daily Times, the island did not receive any warnings of the civil defense. But an alarm coming from the school direction can be heard.

“There was nothing on the way of warnings all over the city. They had warnings one time with the police leadership about the issuance of noise, siren and such things. So there were no.

The emergency department is supposed to press a button somewhere [there was an tsunami risk]

This will not be much of this, and I would be so [evacuating] In the car. “He said.

– Additional reports written by Tony McDonald




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