Nima says that the threat of “strong and unusual” currents after the earthquake passed
The National Emergency Management Agency warns of the remote area of Milford Sound to PuyseGur Point to stay away from water. Photo: RNZ / Nate MCKINNON
The threat of strong and unusual currents and unpredictable offers for the remote parts of the FiordLand coast after the 6.8 earthquake from the southern island this afternoon.
The earthquake hit 150 kilometers southwest of Sahel Laathland at 2.43 pm on Tuesday.
It was a depth of 12 km and caused moderate vibration, according to Junnett.
Two hours after an earthquake more than 4,700 people they reported they felt.
The National Emergency Management Agency (NEMA) warned of the remote area of Milford Sound to Puysegur Point to stay away from water.
The agency warned: “Strong currents and ostriches can affect and drown people. There is a danger to swimmers, surfing surfing, fishing, and anyone in or near water near the beach.”
“People in the sea or near it in the following areas must leave the water, and far beaches and beach areas and away from ports, marines, rivers and rivers.
“People on boats and live fires and in Marinas must leave their boats/ships and move to the beach. They are not returning to boats unless officials request them.”
The agency said that there was no need for evacuation unless it was expected to be directed by the local civil defense and coastal flooding authorities.
John Price said that Sound Milford Sound to the Bouasgore Point area is very isolated
“We have mobile alerts in the emergency situations that came to these people, and we also ask people to continue listening to their radio, but also in contact with the Southland emergency management site as well.
“Whenever people feel an earthquake, they bear the responsibility for taking care of themselves, so we always say if you feel an earthquake, wherever you are, make sure to drop, cover it and complete.
“If you are near the sea or water bodies, then this is the same message – drop, cover and contract, and if it is long or strong, it disappears, get a higher higher space as it will not be in the way of harm.”
Civil Defense Observer in Emergency Management, Al -Kurd, said that there was no threat from a tsunami on the Sahelland coast.
“People who have left the coast may come as a precaution now, but they are advised to stay away from the beaches and the water exit for the next 12 hours, as the currents and tidal patterns have been affected. Boats must also be very careful.”
Thousands mentioned the feeling of the earthquake.
Mark Hyun, the owner of Tuataper Four Square, said the earthquake suddenly hit and continued for a minute or so.
“It was a very soft earthquake. It was not aggressive. It was not enough to cause any harm he realized,” he said.
“All employees felt this, and it was certainly enough to make you stop what you were doing and make you think about getting a door or something like that.
“We didn't feel like this for a long time.”
Fiona Chrome was at home in Totabir when the earthquake was hit.
“I was just heading out and noticed my glass tanks in the dining room that vibrates. My TVs and things on the wall were shaking.
“I was able to hear the birds as they excel and come out.
“I stood there and felt that the trader is going through.”
She had gone to the Tui Base Camp, where some protein reported their feeling of vibration while others did not feel anything.
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