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Tibet and earthquake do not want you to see

Tibet and earthquake do not want you to see



Chinese relief workers wearing bright red biblios and trembling helmets across the ruins of the old homes and monasteries in the frozen temperatures after the earthquake that occurred on January 7. The Chinese government media described the rescue efforts as “fast and arranged” and framing it as a phenomenon for “ethnic unity”.

The authorities quickly announced the final losses: 126 dead, 337 wounds and more than 3,600 homes in ruin. However, amids the destruction, a different fact appeared, the harsh control elements imposed on Tibet revealed, as the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) managed strict information, even in the wake of a natural disaster.

Control of narration

Two days after the earthquake, Global Times, a Chinese newspaper known for promoting CCP propaganda, published an intense report on the response of aid. This account has never referred to the Himalayan nation as “Tibet”, but instead used “Xizang”, a name presented in 2023. Critics see this change as a deliberate attempt to erase the country from the map.

According to the Global Times, the rescue teams arrived at the earthquake center within 30 minutes. The report claimed that, within days, the affected residents had a warm shelter and received three hot meals daily. It goes on to draw a unified response image, as he provided countless relief workers and relief workers without ethnic divisions. “While the natural catastrophe has tore a wound in the snow plateau, the entire nation is working tirelessly”, describing the effort “the best interpretation of human rights.”

However, what this photography has failed to mention is the severe tuberculosis restrictions. The Chinese government prevents the international media from entering the region, and the Freedom House group, a US -based support group, is classified along with North Korea as one of the most repressive places in the world. In Tibet, sharing sensitive information can lead politically via the Internet or communicate with someone abroad without permission to a long sentence in prison. In the days after the earthquake, the Tibeton who posted on Dwin (Chinese version of Tiktok) informed strict control. One of the users refused to discuss the disaster, citing the same Tibet: “If one does not control the long tongue, then his round head will be in trouble.”

With the control of the Chinese government in all official information, Global Times and similar ports had complete domination of the narration. However, in the weeks that have passed on the earthquake, Tibetan rights and refugee organizations leaked information that contradicts official reports. These sources revealed that CCP is carefully managed details of the distribution of aid and even the number of deaths reported.

Although Global Times on “Ethnic Unit”, the Chinese authorities restrict Tibetan movements within 24 hours of the earthquake. The international campaign for Tibet (ICT), a US -based invitation group, has documented new safety checkpoints that limit the disaster area, preventing Tibet from providing aid.

One day after the earthquake, officials in Dingri, where the earthquake center, published a notice of the suspension of the relief donated by the Tibetan. Information and communication technology suggested that the authorities want to maintain control of the official narration. The notification mentioned: “For the time time, Dingri County has sufficient reserves from various disaster relief supplies. After conducting discussions, it was decided to stop accepting donations from disaster relief supplies from all aspects of life from now on.” The Tibetan government, based in India, responded with an open message urging CCP to allow more aid, especially medical assistance.

On a dangerous land

The Tibetan leadership also raised concerns about the regional development policies of China. The message was directly stabbed in Global Times that China has updated Tibet, instead blame for building “excessive” dams and mining to increase seismic activity. In 2008, a devastating earthquake in Tibet was killed nearly 70,000 people. Experts later suggested that the huge Chinese dam may have caused a disaster, making it more discriminatory earthquake linked to human activity.

Chinese electrical energy projects have caused criticism of their environmental and geographical consequences. These dams disrupt the main rivers flowing to India, Bangladesh and other parts of Southeast Asia. Fears of their safety continued for years. In the days after the earthquake, Chinese officials initially claimed that none of their dams was damaged. However, they later admitted that five of the 14 dams in the affected area have developed structural problems. One of them suffered from the grave damages that tend to the walls, forcing 1500 people living in the direction of the river.

The lack of transparency in CCP also caused doubts about the official death toll. The authorities have reported 126 deaths within 48 hours of the earthquake and were never reviewed. The tremors were strong enough to feel more than 200 miles away, however information and communication technology research showed that officials depend on their accustomed to only 27 villages within a radius of 12 miles from the mile center. Radio Free Asia, a US government's news outlet, asked the death toll two days after its issuance. Reports from local Tamitin suggested that at least 100 died in one town. On January 11, the Tibet Tibetian Service in Asia in Asia was martyred with the morgue employees who estimated the actual death number of 400. Given the suppression and isolation of severe Tibet, the real number of injuries may not be known.

The next recovery phase will focus on reconstruction, but many Tibetan fear that Beijing will control the process without consulting local communities. Information and Communications technology was martyred by virtue of the amounts of violations that revealed that after the 2010 earthquake was killed 3000 people, officials have transferred emergency funds to achieve personal gains and deprive many survivors of housing assistance. “China has drawn a picture of a wonderful recovery,” has stated information and communications technology. “However, the reality is far from what the Chinese government claims.” If history repeats itself, the victims of this catastrophe may find themselves displaced, while officials are taking advantage of the tragedy to enhance their grip on Tibet.

[Kaitlyn Diana edited this piece]

The views expressed in this article are the author of the author and do not necessarily reflect the just editorial policy of the observer.




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