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The history behind Osaka Kansai International Airport


At the time, the construction of the New Kansai International Airport (KIX) in Osaka was the largest civilian project ever implemented. Why was this airport built when Osaka already had an airport? What is its impact? Let’s explore.

Aerial view of the airport in 1997. Photo: Tdk via Wikimedia The original problem of Osaka airport

Back in the late 1960s, the Kansai region of Japan found itself losing trade, development, and businesses in the more important and growing Tokyo region. To help make Osaka and Kobe more attractive, they proposed building a new international airport to compete with the second Toykou Airport currently under development (which would become Narita International Airport).

Itami Airport in Osaka (the original airport) was also facing congestion as air travel became more popular. With the development of larger aircraft such as Boeing 747s and the arrival of short-range Boeing 737s that made fast frequencies possible, the city needed to consider expanding or creating a new airport.

The first idea problem was that Itami Airport was in the densely populated areas of Itami and Toyonaka – surrounded by buildings and it was impossible to expand it.

And so the planners needed a new facility somewhere in the area.

New airport layout

Initially, developers and government officials wanted to build the new airport near Kobe. It made sense, as the city did not have a major international airport, and passengers wouldn’t have to travel far to travel to both cities.

This plan ran into hurdles almost immediately, as the city of Kobe itself rejected plans for a major international airport. Sensing an opportunity, the planners moved the airport to the southern bay of Osaka Prefecture – the advantage was that by moving away from all residential suburbs and land, the airport would be able to operate 24 hours a day.

They planned an artificial island 4 kilometers (2.5 miles) long and 2.5 kilometers (1.6 miles) wide for the new airport. It will require sophisticated engineering not only to obtain a solid foundation for runways and buildings but also to withstand the risks of hurricanes, waves and earthquakes.

The airport construction can be seen in the lower right, with the first airport in the upper right. Image: NASA via Wikimedia

These special design features will come into reality during an earthquake after many years. While the city sustained significant damage, the airport survived unscathed (although the airport would be flooded after a hurricane).

Airport construction

The floor was finally broken in 1987, after a good twenty years since the project began. It would take more than three years to build the island and use the total mass of three nearby mountains. To connect the island to the mainland, the team built a three-kilometer bridge (costing itself a billion dollars).

Once construction of the island was completed, construction of the airport began – this took another four years. It will have two runways, two terminals, and a shipping facility and cost more than US $ 20 billion to build.

Map of Osaka Kansai International Airport. Photo: Robert Aynett via Wikimedia Changing the flying scene in Japan

This airport has changed aviation in Japan drastically.

First, it promptly captured all international arrivals to Osaka, making the original Itami Airport only domestic. At its peak in 2016, the airport recorded 25.2 million passengers (the third-busiest airport in Japan). The airport will also become an international hub for ANA and Japan Airlines.

The construction of this mega project will be well studied and will be a model for many other airports located on the islands around the world. A notable example is Hong Kong International Airport, and ironically, the new Kobe airport opened in 2006.

What do you think? Have you traveled to this airport? Let us know in the comments.

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