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The Sparta earthquake is not the first to hit the region


While most of the commercial interests in the area have been with the northern cities, Charleston, South Carolina has always been an important southern port for trade as well. James Fulton’s production business has been a regular supplier of apples, cabbage, and other fresh goods to Charleston wholesalers for decades. While the 1886 earthquake did little damage here, it directly affected companies like Fulton. These business relationships also represented personal ones, and many across the county contributed relief funds raised here. The earthquake killed 60 people and damaged more than 2,000 buildings in the southeast.

Can you stand to see something else about earthquakes this week?

“Oh, reports like this have come [us] Today from San Francisco! If everything had gone as we wanted, I would have been arrested [there] But I was sick and did not start [on time] Now I have everything to be grateful for. “

So Clara “Carey” Woodruff Pryor wrote to her mother, Mary Ann Woodruff, in a letter dated April 19, 1906, the day after an estimated 7.9 earthquake had damaged the City of Golden Gate.

Frank Woodruff, one of her five siblings, was visiting from Mount Erie. He had to accompany her to visit a doctor in San Jose. They were planning to stop by to visit Friends en route, Friends who had lodgings in San Francisco.

“You will see all of this in the newspapers,” she added. The city was engulfed in flames and destroyed many of it [neighborhoods]Her friends were among the 3,000 killed and their residential home destroyed.

Earthquakes have always been a source of primal fascination and fear for humans. The earth’s myths that swallow up entire cities are the stuff of nightmares. While America never lost a city, the New Madrid seismic event that began in December 1811 and lasted until March 1812 changed the course of the Great Mississippi.

It was a series of earthquakes, the strongest of which occurred on February 7 and is believed to have been equivalent to an earthquake of magnitude 8.4 based on the damage and distances felt. This would make it the strongest such event on the well-known North American continent in the modern era. The movement of the earth rang church bells in Boston, creating new lakes and waterfalls in the Mississippi River, and causing them to flow backwards for a while.

North Carolina experienced very few significant seismic events. Earthquakes generally occur along fault lines, which are the edges of the plates of the Earth’s crust. These plates are in continuous slow motion but sometimes get stuck together. When the force of the moving plate becomes too much, the plates move apart in sudden and sometimes violent ways, causing the motion waves to travel across the ground and rocks.

We are not at the edge of any plates and have no active faults, so, in theory, there should be no earthquakes. However, as many as 80 events have been recorded since colonial times. Geologists are still working to find out.

Most of the tremors people feel here are between 2 and 3 on the Richter scale. Few, like the 5.1 last week in Sparta and the 1916 Skyland earthquake near Asheville that was estimated to be 5.2, are stronger but rarely do more than take some bricks out of the chimneys, knock a few people off their feet, and send the cracks down. Walls.

Because Surry County is close to the Virginia border, people in this area felt the effects of the tremors from that state as well as from Tar Heel as was the case in March 1879 when a “heavy sound and trembling in the ground” caused some excitement. The same again in February of 1885 when the epicenter near Wytheville, Virginia, woke those in the western part of the county at 7 a.m.

On September 25, 1886, one of the earliest copies of newspapers still in Surrey, Yadkin Valley News reported tremendous shaking in Charleston, South Carolina.

Not to be outdone, Rumbling Bald Mountain, which had been mostly quiet since its six-month activity in 1874, was hit by an earthquake in the winter of 1886. Now, nine months later, a series of “very large cracks” have appeared on the side of the mountain. . This caused concern that the mountain, which many thought might be hollow, would “definitely fall or sink” onto itself.

Yadkin Valley News, Mount Airy News, and Elkin Times have all reported on the development of earthquakes in North Carolina over the years. Edgecombe County, Oct 1895; Person’s boycott, February 1896; Several in May 1897 in Surry and surrounding counties.

The Elkin Times reported in 1897: “I was violently shocked by an earthquake here on Monday afternoon around two o’clock.” The shock was preceded by a low noise like distant thunder. The people were somewhat frightened and afraid of a repeat of the unforgettable night of August 31, 1886 [the date of the Charleston quake]. Some think the shock was as heavy here on Monday as it was on that night. ”They went on to describe doors closing, windows rattling, and things shaking off the shelves.

It would have been the Angels Rest earthquake in Giles County, Virginia, north of Wethi, which destroyed many homes and derailed the freight train track.

Tremors were reported at Surry in 1959, many in the 1960s, and others in 2003. A few years ago concrete cracked at the Mount Airy Museum of Regional History but caused no real damage.

So it looks like the vibration will continue and stop and we will continue to talk about the ones that came before all of this while we are happy because they are not stronger than they are.

Kate Rauhauser-Smith is Director of Visitor Services for the Mount Airy Museum of Regional History and had 22 years in journalism before joining the museum’s staff. She and her family moved to Mount Airy in 2005 from Pennsylvania where they also participated in museums and historical tours. She can be reached at [email protected] or by calling 336-786-4478 x228

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