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Turkey “forgot the earthquakes after the epidemic began” – ruled the amendment


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The Kandilli Observatory and the Seismological Research Institute of the University of Bogazici held a conference on earthquake hazards yesterday (17 August), the anniversary of the 1999 Izmit earthquake.

The director of the institute, Professor Haluk Ozner, Professor Ali Pinar and Dr. Doan Klavat participated in the conference, which dealt with issues such as “What has changed and what has not changed since August 17, 1999?” “Earthquakes in Turkey” and “Marmara earthquake expected.”

Beginning in his speech commemorating those who lost their lives in the 1999 earthquake, Ozner said there are 456 seismic stations across the country, with 258 in the Marmara region.

He pointed out that while measuring the size of the earthquake that occurred in 1999 would take half an hour, today it will take place in about 30 seconds.

Since the beginning of the 20th century, 10,965 earthquakes with a magnitude greater than 4 have been recorded in and around Turkey, he said, adding that 291,046 earthquakes greater than 0.2 have been recorded since 1985.

“This region is not a seismically calm area. Therefore, we had and will continue to be subjected to these earthquakes,” Osner noted.

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CLICK – Kandilli Observatory: We’re fast approaching the end

Earthquakes since 1900:

3 – 3.9 magnitude: 46,890 earthquakes (128 earthquakes daily) 4 – 4.9: 4,765 earthquakes (1 earthquake every 10 days) 5 – 5.9: 886 earthquakes (1 earthquake every 50 days) 6 – 6.9: 83 earthquakes (1 earthquake every 18 days) (Months) 7-7: 18: 18 earthquakes (1 earthquake every 6.5 years)

Osner noted that 25,807 earthquakes have also been recorded since August 17, 1999.

During the past year, he added, there were 365 earthquakes greater than 4 and 40 earthquakes greater than 5.0 in the country.

The professor pointed out that since the beginning of this year, there have been 8,548 earthquakes greater than 4.0 in the world and 298 earthquakes in Turkey. “Three and a half percent of the earthquakes in the world occur in this region.”

Ozner showed a map of the North Anatolian Rift and indicated that only two places had yet to experience earthquakes in the sequence that began with the 1939 Erzincan earthquake: the Sea of ​​Marmara and Kareliova in eastern Erzincan.

“The fault that passes through the Sea of ​​Marmara is not a one-piece line. It has a defective structure. For this reason, the seismic movement is very high,” the professor added.

Defects wait for energy to cause an earthquake.

“The faults large and small are found in almost all parts of Turkey. Most of the faults in Turkey have not produced an earthquake for more than 100 years, but they continue to accumulate energy,” Osner noted. “Earthquake periods are not the same for all faults. They are waiting for energy to cause an earthquake and when it is complete, earthquakes will occur.”

Ozner said they also expect earthquakes in provinces other than Istanbul and there are many places at risk of earthquakes in the country, and Osner warned that caution should be exercised on everyone.

Awareness of the public about earthquakes

When asked what he believes as an academic about preparedness and awareness in relation to earthquakes, Osner said, “As a society, we are more conscious than it was in 1999. We cannot prevent and prevent disasters, but we can reduce their effects.”

“As we are doing studies, citizens have reached the point where they can do their part. Buying a house, people are now asking if it meets the earthquake specifications. While they were not used to prepare the earthquake bag, they are now preparing.

“Of course, people’s awareness is not enough. Decision-makers also need to be aware. Making building stocks earthquake-safe by renovating is very important. Steps are being taken on these matters.

“But as a society we are restless. We want to act immediately but after a while, forget about it. The epidemic started and the earthquake was forgotten.”

On the urban transformation in Istanbul, Ozner said that people do not view it as a necessity due to the earthquake but rather as a way to increase their home values.

He said, “The main problem here is that the citizens want to do this without spending money. As for contractors, they want to do this task with maximum profit. This problem must be solved as quickly as possible without greed for profit.” .

About the 1999 Izmit earthquake

On August 17, 1999 the Marmara region lived the longest 45 seconds in its history. The 7.4 magnitude earthquake hit the Gülçük region in Kocaeli (Izmit) at 03.02 am, not only in Kocaeli, but also in neighboring cities such as Istanbul, Yalova and Sakarya.

According to official figures, 17,840 people lost their lives in the earthquake. While 43,953 people were injured, and 505 were permanently disabled. Dozens of people were lost.

According to the report prepared by the Investigation Committee of the Grand National Assembly of Turkey (TBMM) established to analyze earthquake risks and determine the precautions to be taken in earthquake management, it is estimated that about 50 thousand people have been killed and 100,000 people injured. In the earthquake in Golcuk.

285,211 homes and 42,902 businesses were severely damaged in the earthquake. 133,683 buildings collapsed and nearly 600,000 people were displaced.

The earthquake that struck the industrial center of the country has caused irreparable damage to the Turkish economy. Oil refineries, petrochemical facilities, metallurgical facilities, automobiles, paper and plastic mills, raw material facilities, etc. had to stop production. The total cost of the earthquake has been calculated at $ 20 billion.

(HA / DM)

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