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Virus stalking survivors of Masbate earthquake


Destroyed Church The facade of Saint Vincent Ferrer Parish Church in Katangan, Masbate, needs to be demolished and rebuilt after it was destroyed by a powerful earthquake that struck the county on Tuesday. —Suzen Cajigas

CATINGAN, MASBAT, THE PHILIPPINES – Local officials have scrambled not only to feed and shelter thousands of residents displaced by the 6.6-magnitude earthquake on Tuesday, but also to act on a more pressing concern: the potential spread of the novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19).

With municipal coffers running out of money after months of spending on health and security needs during the pandemic, the local government in the earthquake-hit Katangan in Masbate County is asking for help.

The city was placed in a state of disaster when the COVID-19 outbreak began allowing the local government to use its disaster fund to establish quarantine facilities, deploy front lines and guard its borders. Now, it has no money to feed and shelter people displaced by the earthquake.

Mayor Felipe Cabatana said at least 60 percent of the 50,000 residents have been forced to leave their damaged homes, forcing them to cram people into school buildings used as evacuation centers.

But Kabatana feared an increase in COVID-19 cases because physical distancing would be “very difficult” to enforce in shelters.

The mayor said Katangan has six confirmed COVID-19 patients, all of them in a safe, isolated area. But officials were forced to house 96 residents returning from other parts of the country after the earthquake destroyed quarantine centers in the town.

Those residing in Cataingan Astrodome and Cataingan Municipal College were moved to isolation units in their village, while some were allowed to return to their homes after completing the mandatory 14-day quarantine, according to Dr. Lalin Velasis, the provincial health official.


Villasis said it would be “difficult” to accommodate the returnees in Katangan, especially now that the district borders are reopened.

“Our concern is that if the facilities in Katangan were not available by that time, that would be difficult,” she said. “Although there are plans to house them, it will still be a challenge for health care workers.”

Reports from the Bicol Civil Defense Office said the Katangan District Hospital was “partially damaged” and tents were set up outside the facility to accommodate two patients.

The next day, workers at a glassware store in Kattingan, Masbate, began cleaning their shop of broken glass a day after the earthquake left widespread damage in the city. —Suzen Cajigas

Tents required

“There are really a lot of cracks inside and the patients are staying in the hallway,” Velasis said on Wednesday, adding that the head of the hospital and staff had to sleep outside due to the damage. “We are in dire need of tents that will be used as temporary shelters because the houses have been damaged,” Cabatana told The Inquirer.

He said at least 200 tents are needed for residents of 36 villages, and many of them are reluctant to return home. “They are afraid [their houses] It may collapse at any time while we are still suffering from aftershocks.

The Philippine Institute of Volcanology and Seismology (Phivolcs) has recorded more than 60 aftershocks since the earthquake struck at 8:15 am Tuesday morning. The latest magnitude 2.4 earthquake was recorded 19 km southeast of Katangan at 3:26 pm on Wednesday.

Damage to infrastructure initially amounted to 24 million pesos. The town hall was cracked, forcing the Kabatana to suspend work there.

Most companies remained closed on Wednesday.

The 40-year-old Saint Vincent Ferrer Parish Church has also been damaged. Its priest, Arnelle Broza, said he was informed that the damaged façade must be demolished and rebuilt.

Ready help

Kabatana said food packages had been provided to the displaced population, but he was concerned about continued distribution. “We don’t have enough budget to provide it [for] The needs of our ingredients because they have already been used to help due to the COVID-19 pandemic. “

Kabatana said the city council might have to declare a second state of disaster, but local lawmakers have not met yet because they were also affected by the earthquake and are still looking after their families.

Presidential spokesman Harry Rock said on Wednesday that Malakanyang assured Masbate that he will get the help he needs to recover from the earthquake, as food, water, blankets and other necessary items are being prepared at evacuation centers or resettlement areas to be sent to the county. .

Rocky said officials will also make sure to observe health protocols for COVID-19.

“There will be manpower also to ensure that even in temporary evacuation areas there will be social distancing due to the threat of COVID-19,” he said in an interview on CNN Philippines.

Rocky advised people at evacuation centers not to let his guard down about the new coronavirus. “One thing for Masbate is that they have very low cases of COVID-19, but even so, they should not be very satisfied; even if they are to stay in makeshift shelters, they have to observe social distancing.” Roque said President Duterte wants to visit Masbate but it is not certain whether the trip will continue due to restrictions on his movement due to the epidemic.

—Reports from Suzini Cajigas, Michael Josian, Ray Anthony of Austria, Mar Argylles, and Layla B. Salafria

For more news about the new Coronavirus, click here. What you need to know about Coronavirus. For more information on COVID-19, call the DOH hotline: (02) 86517800 local 1149/1150.

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