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US Marines conduct exercises on the rapid deployment of humanitarian aid in Japan


The US Marine Corps announced Thursday that the Marines of the 3rd Marine Corps Brigade recently conducted a rapid deployment exercise in Japan.

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According to a press release issued by the service, the exercise was conducted to ensure that the ACM (Air Contingency Marine) remains in place and ready to deploy in response to the crisis across the Indian and Pacific Oceans, despite the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.

The Marines carried out the exercises with the support of two MV-22 Ospreys from Marine Medium Tiltrotor 265 Squadron, 1st Marine Aircraft Wing, operating out of the Marine Corps Air Force Base Futenma in Japan.

To simulate a rapid deployment in the real world, about 30 Marines of the 3rd MEB Division established a secure communications link with the 3rd Naval Expeditionary Force Command Center, having deployed to Kadena Air Force Base from their main stations across Okinawa via the Ospreys in less than 12 hours.

“Exercises like this ensure that MEB III remains prepared to respond to the crisis at short notice,” said Colonel Michael Willie, MEB III Chief of Staff. “Whether we are asked to deploy to assist our partners and allies as part of a foreign humanitarian aid operation or in response to an emergency of a dynamic nature, we need to be prepared.”

Major Chad Bimley, current operations officer in the 3rd Marine Expeditionary Brigade, stated, “The purpose of this ACM exercise is to validate the validity of standard operating procedures and to ensure that the MEB is prepared to implement its duties and responsibilities.”

The Naval Air Emergency Task Force, when activated, is responsible for responding promptly to any threat under the IFCA that may require military action, from disaster relief to armed conflict.

The Joint Humanitarian Assistance Survey Team (JHAST) is the campaign leadership team under US military oversight responsible for responding to requests for humanitarian assistance. It is ready 24/7 and can be deployed in as little as 12 hours in order to generate an initial assessment of the support required to assist with follow-up.

The report also stated that the exercises were implemented with all safety protocols and precautions to reduce the risk of troops contracting the COVID-19 virus.

Being one of the most disaster-prone areas in the world, the Indopacom (Indo-Pacific Command) area of ​​responsibility has seen 60% of all disasters in the world, and in recent years it responded to the 2011 Japan earthquake and tsunami, 2013 Hurricane Yolanda in the Philippines, and the 2015 Nepal earthquakes. .

Major Pimley also says: “The MEB continues to conduct basic and realistic training while adhering to strict safety protocols to mitigate the spread of COVID-19. We are ready to deploy to support our allies and partners across the region. Disasters do not stop just because the world faces a dangerous pandemic.”

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