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The Model National Hurricane Center dramatically changes the course of Tropical Storm Marco


San Juan, Puerto Rico – Two tropical storms advanced across the Caribbean on Saturday as potential historic threats to the US Gulf Coast, one inundating Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands while the other was pushing across the gap between the Mexican Yucatan Peninsula and Cuba. .

Tropical Storms Laura and Marco were expected to approach Louisiana at or near hurricane strength just two days next week.

Colorado State University hurricane researcher Phil Klotzbach said two hurricanes never appeared in the Gulf of Mexico at the same time, according to records dating back at least 1900. He said that the last time two tropical storms occurred in the Gulf was in 1959.

Klotsbach said the last time two storms made landfall in the United States within 24 hours of each other was in 1933.

Projected tracks from the US National Hurricane Center on Saturday afternoon indicated that the two storms were together in the Gulf on Monday, as Marco struck Louisiana and Laura made landfall in the same general area on Wednesday. However, significant uncertainties remain in that time period, and forecasts have varied widely so far for the two storms.

“We are in unprecedented times,” Mississippi Governor Tate Reeves told a news conference on Saturday when he declared the state of emergency. “We are not only dealing with two potential storms in the next few hours, we are also dealing with COVID-19.”

He urged residents to prepare for storms and, if possible, to find evacuation places that were not public shelters.

Hurricane Watch was released for the city of Intracoastal, Louisiana, east to the Mississippi-Alabama border.

People in Louisiana headed to stores to stock up on food, water, and other supplies. But Raymond from Gretna only had an electric generator in his carriage at Sam’s Club. “We have a fridge full of food” at home, he said, along with large containers of water.

Laura rained through Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands on Saturday and until Sunday it was expected to flood the Dominican Republic, Haiti and parts of Cuba into its western course.

Puerto Rican Governor Wanda Vazquez declared a state of emergency and warned that the floods could be worse than what Tropical Storm Isaias launched three weeks ago because the ground is now saturated. The storm caused trees to fall in the southern region of the island, leaving more than 200,000 customers without electricity and more than 10,000 without water across American soil.

“Nobody should be taking to the streets,” she said.

The storm was concentrated 125 miles (200) kilometers east-southeast from Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic late on Saturday afternoon, with maximum winds of 50 miles per hour (85 kilometers per hour). It was moving west at 18 mph (30 km / h).

Officials said they are deeply concerned about the thousands of people in Puerto Rico who are still living under blue fabrics since Hurricane Maria in 2017 and the hundreds of families living along the island’s southern coast in homes damaged by a series of powerful earthquakes this year.

As storm approached Hispaniola, crews in the Dominican Republic began evacuating dozens of families in flood prone areas.

Meanwhile, Marco was strengthening as his center was about 50 miles (85 kilometers) west of Cuba’s western tip, heading northwest at 13 mph (20 km / h). Its maximum wind speeds have reached 65 mph (100 km / h) and it is expected to turn into a hurricane later on Saturday.

Carlos Joaquín González, Governor of Quintana Roo, Mexico, celebrated that Marco’s changing path saved his state’s beaches, including those in Canc فيn, the country’s premier tourist destination.

The National Hurricane Center said it expects the storms to remain far apart enough to prevent direct interaction as the region prepares for the peak of the Atlantic hurricane season, which is expected to be unusually active.

Both storms were expected to bring 3 to 6 inches (8 to 15 cm) of rain into areas that passed over or near them, threatening widespread flooding across a vast area.

“A lot of people will be affected by rain and storm surges in the Gulf of Mexico,” said Joel Klein, Tropical Program Coordinator for the National Weather Service. “Since you simply don’t know, you really need to take precautions.”

Brian McNoldie, a hurricane researcher at the University of Miami, said it seemed appropriate for such an unusual twin threat to arrive in 2020.

“Of course, we should have two hurricanes falling simultaneously,” said McNoldie. “It is better not to ask what is next.” )

Meteorologists said that while weather conditions are favorable for Laura’s growth, its passage over Puerto Rico and the mountains of Haiti, the Dominican Republic and Cuba could tear or weaken it before it enters the warm Gulf waters, leading to growth.

Officials in the Florida Keys, which Laura might cross on her way to the Gulf, declared a local state of emergency on Friday and issued a mandatory evacuation order for anyone who lives on boats, in mobile homes and in camps. Monroe County officials said in a press release that tourists staying in hotels should be aware of the hazardous weather conditions and consider adjusting their plans starting Sunday.

Citing the two storm systems, Louisiana Gov. John Bill Edwards declared a state of emergency Friday night. “It is too early to know exactly where, when and how these dual storms will affect Louisiana,” Edwards said in a statement, “but now is the time for our people to prepare for these storms.”

Laura was previously forced to close schools and government offices in the eastern Caribbean islands of Anguilla and Antigua, according to the Caribbean Emergency Management Agency.

© 2020 The Associated Press. All rights reserved.


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