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A Filipino fisherman catches a giant fish in the deep sea while an earthquake drags it into shallow waters


When an earthquake rocked the central Philippines, a fisherman caught unusually lucky fish. After the earthquake in Uras, the fisherman managed to catch a giant deep sea fish known as “opa fish” using only a hook and line. The fish is also called the moonfish, and it weighs 65 kg and is usually found at a depth of about 500 meters.

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Incredible fishing after an earthquake

According to the Philippine Government News Agency, Director of the Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources Juan Albaladejo stated that the deep-sea fish may have been afraid of the earthquake and as a result swam towards the shallow waters.

The scientific name for opah fish is Lampris guttatus. Opah is a type of warm-blooded fish, which results in a high-performance predator that is able to swim faster and see better than regular fish. According to reports, the fisherman who caught opa fish sold it in the nearby market for $ 4.11 (200 Philippine pesos) per kilogram.

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800 kg of giant fish were caught

In a similar incident earlier, a group of hunters managed to catch the giant Manta Ray. The fish was caught near the Odisha-West Bengal border on the morning of July 27, Monday. The giant fish has a weight of 800 kg, and is therefore the largest catch of its kind.

According to reports, the fish caught by the fisherman were 8 feet long and 5 feet wide. The fish was sold for Rs 50,000. The fisherman usually calls the giant fish which was called Shankar fish because it resembles elephant ear in shape. Giant manta rays are listed as endangered under the IUCN.

800 kg of fish were caught off the coast of Digha – this is a manta ray also called Shankar fish, which is highly valued in medicine, not meat. It sold for 50,000 rupees. The amazing nature during # COVID19

– Harjinder Kaur (@HarjinderTalwar) July 28, 2020

Read: Amazon fish is contaminated with high levels of mercury due to illegal mining: a study

Read: A giant fish weighing about 800 kg was caught off the coast of Digha near the Odisha border in West Bengal

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What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online

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