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Abe Connects Sato for the longest continuous term as Prime Minister of Japan


Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe speaks to reporters at his office in Tokyo on August 19, 2020, as he returned to work after a three-day break, during which he underwent a medical examination at Keio University Hospital in Tokyo amid speculation about his health. (Kyodo)

TOKYO (Kyodo) – Prime Minister Shinzo Abe brought his 2,798 consecutive day into office on Sunday, tying him to his great-uncle Isaku Sato, who served between 1964 and 1972, for his longest uninterrupted stay in the top government post. .

When combined with his short term 2006-2007, Abe, who returned to power in late 2012, spent more than 3,000 days in office, defeating Taro Katsura, who led the country for 2,886 days in the early 20th century.

Aside from Abe, there are only 10 people who have served as prime minister of the country for more than 1,000 consecutive days, including Nobusuke’s grandfather Kishi, in 1,241 days.

However, he is expected to take a bumpy road in the future as Abe seeks to leave what might be called a legacy amid the coronavirus pandemic.

The prime minister hopes to fulfill his long-term hope for constitutional reform before his term as head of the ruling Liberal Democratic Party ends in September next year.

However, the course of his remaining period is unclear, with speculation rife that he is not in his best condition after vomiting blood in July and visiting the hospital earlier this month.

In addition, the new Coronavirus has caused huge losses to the country’s economy and has sparked criticism of its government’s response.

The economic recovery under its major economic policies, called Abenomics, has been wiped out by the pandemic forcing many businesses to close and people to stay home.

The country’s annual GDP in the April-June quarter was 485 trillion yen ($ 4.6 trillion), less than 504 trillion yen in the January-March 2013 period or the first quarterly GDP after Abe regained power.

The size of the latest GDP is equivalent to the size of the three months ending in June 2011 when the world’s third largest economy was hit by a devastating earthquake, tsunami and nuclear crisis in northeastern Japan.

As Japan scrambles to combat the novel coronavirus, Abe has come under fire for the slow distribution and poor quality of government-sponsored face masks.

He also faced criticism for pushing a tourism promotion this summer despite the resurgence of HIV infections. His government had to make a change at the last minute to exclude Tokyo residents from the subsidy program to address concerns about the rising number of new cases in the capital.


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