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San Jose Earthquakes vs Portland Timbers: Three Questions


The San Jose Earthquakes are set to return to the stadiums again in 2020, when they host the Portland Timbers behind closed doors Wednesday in the latest phase of the unique season.

In order to get a feel for what’s going on with the Timbers, who are newly started winning MLS is Back Tournament, we spoke to Grant Little of SB Nation’s Timbers’ Stumptown Footy about their upcoming opponent. Thanks so much to Grant for taking the time to answer my questions!

Soccer midfield Stumptown Footy asks:

1. What is the feeling about the Timbers at the moment, after winning the MLS is Back Tournament but then losing at home to Seattle last weekend?

Before the Saunders game, everyone was very optimistic about the win in Orlando. The score against Seattle clearly dented the mood, but the score made the match look much worse than it actually was. Neither Seattle nor Portland played well. Portland looked slow and lacking in creativity which is troubling, but perhaps to be expected after a comeback from the bubble.

Defeat stings Seattle. But in my opinion, nine times out of ten, Raؤولl Ruydiaz did not finish the first goal and Larry Mabiala did not make the mistake that led to the second goal. There are still things to worry about Timbers’ recent 3-0 loss against San Jose, but I expect the Seattle match will be a wake-up call and Portland will come up with something to prove.

2. Who will be the new players so far this season for Portland?

The season announcement is Eric Williamson without a doubt. He cemented his place as a midfielder in the MLS is Back Championship and formed an incredible partnership with Diego Chara. Williamson is crucial to the Timbers’ defensive form and he often starts things going forward. It was very interesting to see his progress from Timbers 2.

Another player who impressed me is Jaroslaw Nisgoda. The Polish striker signed from Legia Warsaw. He scored two goals and added an assist in the tournament. He also placed the winning penalty kick in the penalty shootout against FC Cincinnati. His composure, mobility, unselfishness, and ability to score with both feet and head showed to me.

3. With the trophy already in place this season, but it’s been a strange year for everyone, is the goal to go to the MLS Cup now, or to go past the year in one piece and not focus too much on the Timbers’ tangible goals?

I think Portland is happy that they won the MLS is Back, and they’ll see that as a huge success. But I also think that all the fans and the team will want to win one of the traditional titles because competitors may question the legitimacy of the “unconventional” cup competition. Ultimately, I think the Timbers will want to take the momentum and experience from their MLS success is Back Knockout Tournament and take a deep tour of the MLS Cup Qualifiers.

4. Predicting Wednesday’s match?

2-2 draw.

You can find my answers to Grant’s questions at Stumptown Footy.

What do you think? Leave a comment below.

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