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The Portland Timbers are back at the top of the MLS world once again.

After a 2–1 win in the MLS Is Back Tournament Final, the Portland Timbers won their first MLS Championship since the 2015 MLS Cup.

[RELATED]: Portland Timbers win MLS is Back Tournament, a ticket punch to the CONCACAF Champions League

Coach Giovanni Savarese said, “There is a great feeling of having achieved this at this tournament. A historic moment for our club. “We feel proud that we were able to get this trophy and bring another one to Portland, and be back to our fans.”

It wasn’t the Timbers’ first final match since 2015. The team reached the MLS Cup 2018 in Savarizi’s first season as head coach but ultimately they fell 2-0. After winning the MLS is Back Championship, Savarez considered that tour.

“It really felt like running [to MLS Cup] For 2018 because men were very newborns. “

Unlike in 2018, this time the Timbers were able to bring the trophy home.

“At the end of the day, you don’t play in the finals, you just win, and we’ll just remember the winner of this MLS Is Back,” said Larese Mabiala, who scored the Timbers first goal on Tuesday evening.

Regaining the championship was the goal the team had had since leaving their families to enter the Orlando bubble.

“Back before the tournament started, we had this conversation between us and we just said to ourselves, ‘We won’t leave our families for long.’ [without getting the trophy]Mabiala explained.

Savarese was proud of his players to buy the ultimate goal.

“Every tournament, every season you play, every moment you compete is special when you achieve something important. This tournament, we came here with a purpose.”

Throughout the tournament, the club kept stressing the club’s unity to achieve success on the field, and Savarese repeated that sentiment once more.

“Thanks to the players because they came here with a purpose. From the moment we came here from Portland, the mindset has been to make sure we win one game at a time and everyone has shown, game after game, that the unity we have, the maturity they have shown, the way they are They got into every game with it, and it was a huge achievement …

“We managed to achieve a great victory and now we are able to lift the trophy and, most importantly, be able to qualify for the CONCACAF Champions League,” Savarese added.

With the victory, the Timbers hit their ticket to the 2021 CONCACAF Champions League which would be the franchise’s third appearance (2014, 2016).

Sebastian Blanco, arguably the most valuable player in the tournament who scored three goals and provided five assists, cannot wait to return to international competition.

“I’ve said this in the past,” Blanco said. “It would be a very special thing for the team to be able to play an international tournament because it would give the team a place, and that is something we are looking forward to.” “We are not going to feel complacent and we definitely want to do more. A lot of people might think this is easy, but it definitely isn’t. I am very proud of my team, and I am very proud of the fight that we have given to all the matches. In this kind of tournament, you will definitely attract some international attention.” This is a tournament that I definitely wanted to play in and that is something I really wanted, but it is clear that this is only starting now and there is a lot of work to be done. “

Before that, the Timbers will continue the MLS regular season. Cascadia’s first competitor will be Seattle on Sunday Aug 23 at 7:00 pm PDT and Savarese wants his team to continue this competitive spirit.

“We want to be rivals. We want to make sure that we leave a good legacy as a club. Every game we play and that we always compete for whatever competition is going to be there. We hope we keep keeping our strength. Now we go into a season, but we’ll enjoy this tonight and tomorrow and then we’ll start.” Thinking about what comes next. “

But for now, Timbers will be celebrating.

[RELATED]: Portland Timbers and fans celebrate MLS is Back Tournament Final Win

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