No earthquake damage was reported at Fermi 2 – News – Monroe News – Monroe, Michigan
Blake Bacho blakebacho
Saturday 29th Aug 2020 at 12:34 pm
DTE’s Fermi 2 Nuclear Power Plant underwent additional inspections for each protocol, but no damages were found following an earthquake that struck the Monroe County area last Friday.
DTE spokesperson Stephen Tait said plant officials enacted pre-planned actions for nature works in the aftermath of the earthquake, which recorded a strength of between 3.2 and 3.4, according to the US Geological Survey. The epicenter was about 1.25 miles southeast of Detroit Beach, less than 6 miles from Fermi 2.
“All of the plant’s systems are operating normally and as expected,” Tate said. “The safety of the plant, which is always our top priority, has not been compromised in any way due to the seismic activity. The station is still in a safe and stable condition and we are operating at 100 percent capacity.”
The head of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission branch, Nestor Velez Adorno, said that the Norwegian Refugee Council had independently confirmed the results of inspections made by Fermi 2 employees after the earthquake.
“Resident Inspector Tom Briley responded at the site,” said Adorno. “He felt the earthquake on his home and immediately went to the USGS site (the website), and gathered information about the earthquake and its location … (He) received a call from the control room to inform him that he felt at the site and that there was no known or expected damage at that time.
Adorno continued: “The licensee started closing operations to inspect the facility for damage.” The chief resident inspector called me immediately after that, and I decided to send him to the site to independently verify what the licensee had informed us. He went to the control room to verify that everything is normal, and to make sure. Ensuring that the plant is stable and safe, and has performed its own independent (checks) on some important structures … and has not noticed anything behaving abnormally. “
Adorno said Fermi is designed to withstand seismic activity.
“This specific earthquake was well below design limits,” he said. “That’s why we were fairly confident that we wouldn’t find anything at the time we were notified, but decided to go anyway just because it doesn’t happen often.”
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