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increased surveillance due to continued zero cases in Ethiopia and Mali


A total of 54 cases of dracuculus (human earthworm) were reported to the World Health Organization (WHO) in 2019, and Chad reported 48 of a total of 54 cases.

In Chad, Ethiopia, Mali and South Sudan, trained volunteers support surveillance and detection of domestic dog and cat infections. Surveillance has been stepped up, as evidenced by the rise in human rumor reports, which reached 108,207 in 2019, of which 106,678 were investigated within 24 hours.

“We are working with the wider scientific community to understand the epidemiology of animal infections, mainly in dogs in Chad, where most human cases were reported in 2019“Said Dr. Dieudonné Sankara, who heads the WHO’s eradication and removal team at the Tropical Neglected Diseases Control Unit. “Interestingly, there were no human cases in Ethiopia and Mali in 2019 and 4 cases in South Sudan in 2019 compared to 10 in 2018“.

In Mali, there are numbers of infected animals Dracunculus medinensis (guinea pig) decreased from 20 animals in 2018 to 8 dogs and 1 cat in 2019. However, uncertainty remains a challenge to free access to some endemic areas in Mali.

In contrast, in 2019, Chad reported 1935 infections in dogs and 46 in cats, an increase of 85% over 2018 and an increase of 176% among humans.

Angola reported only 1 case in 2019. Community-based surveillance has been stepped up mainly in Cunene province, where the case was reported in 2018.

In South Sudan, integrated surveillance activities have been implemented with trachoma and onhocerciasis control programs in line with WHO recommendations that programs cooperate, integrate and cooperate with activities, where possible, to strengthen surveillance.

In order to strengthen cross-border surveillance, in November 2019, the WHO led a mission to Cameroon to investigate the circumstances surrounding the “imported” case in the region’s far north. Discussions were held with the health authorities to establish active surveillance in all villages in the area, including training in the application of temephos.[1]

Also, in 2019, with the support of trained field workers, vector control on larvicide ponds and water sources in more than 400 villages has been enhanced, compared to 72 villages in 2018.

At the end of 2019, WHO supported cross-border meetings with officials of the national eradication programs of Mali, Burkina Faso and Ivory Coast in West Africa; between Ethiopia and South Sudan in East Africa and between Angola and Namibia in southern Africa, to exchange experiences and plan joint surveillance activities across borders to prevent the transmission of disease.


Dracunculosis is a mutilated parasitic disease caused by infection with D. medinensis, a long, worm-like worm. It is usually transmitted when people drink stagnant water contaminated with water fleas infected with parasites.

WHO is working with Member States and in partnership with the Carter Center and the United Nations Children’s Fund to support efforts to eradicate the disease. The WHO provides technical guidance, works with national surveillance coordination programs in non-draconian areas and monitors and reports on progress made.

WHO is the only organization authorized to certify countries as free from disease transmission in accordance with the recommendations of the International Commission for the Confirmation of Eradication.

Since 1995, a total of 199 countries, territories and territories, including 187 Member States, have been certified by the WHO as free from transmission of dracunulia.

[1] Temephos is a cyclopicide used to kill water fleas (cyclops) that carry infectious guinea pig larvae.

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