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Earthquake Commission Chair: There is no capacity for a future home repair program


This story was originally published on and reposted with permission.

After a decade of earthquakes in Christchurch, more than 400 cases of failed repairs in need of repair still pour into the EQC every month.

On Monday, the government accepted 70 recommendations from a heavily criticized report to the commission.

The investigation found that the EQC was not prepared to deal with large-scale earthquake damage or to deal with a large-scale managed repair program, which resulted in multiple faults and insufficient quality control.

CEO Sid Miller said that the checkpoint program at RNZ did not have the capacity to handle future repairs in addition to current repairs.

Read more: * Earthquake Commission: No agreed-upon claim package for future disaster * EQC 949 discovers additional Canterbury earthquake claim unresolved during system upgrade * Hundreds of earthquake-affected homes have ‘sold’ and in need of repair registered in Christchurch * Bill Failed repair $ 270 million versus 11,000 homes and growing * Fixing the “giant mess” of failed repairs has cost EQC $ 160 million so far

“If the government says it should be an EQC, then I think there is a big part of the work that the EQC has to do to build the capacity to be in a position to do that work and that is quite a different set of skills, capabilities, and systems that we have today, or it was I have had the organization for 10 years.

John Kirk Anderson / Staff

The 1559 issues remain open and on the EQC books are all fixed.

“The government will take this decision, but the work that needs to be done to build that capacity is huge, and we do not have this capacity today.”

On Monday, Greater Christchurch Regeneration Minister Megan Woods told Checkpoint that she did not rule out the EQC playing this role in managing post-earthquake repair programs in New Zealand.

“The EQC was actually warning the previous government that it was under-resourced to take on this role in the first place. So I think this is definitely something that needs some serious consideration,” she said.

Fixed playgrounds / stuff

Greater Christchurch Regeneration Minister Megan Woods, Seismic Committee Secretary Grant Robertson, and EQC CEO Sid Miller.

Miller told Checkpoint that all 1,559 cases remain open, and the EQC notebooks have been re-repaired.

“The situation we are in is… the number of reopened claims that we get on a monthly basis. We are currently tracking about 450 claims per month.

“Among those claims ranges from … low, medium or high complexity. If they are high complexity claims, they can take 10 to 12 months to resolve, medium – four to five months, then low complexity – a month. Approximately.”

Basically, he said, that meant there was a fixed number of 1,000 to 1,200 claims being dealt with.

“We have about 300 over 12 months – about 105 of them in a lawsuit … so we’re focusing a great deal of effort on these claims.

“I think we can frustrate those, but the others, 1,000 to 1,200 are on balance per minute.”

George Heard / stuff

An investigation found that the EQC was not prepared to deal with large-scale earthquake damage or to deal with a large-scale managed repair program, which resulted in multiple faults and inadequate quality control.

Miller said EQC has spent more than $ 50 million on litigation fees in the past 10 years.

He said the EQC wanted to find solutions to the remaining claimants.

“Over the past two years … we’ve been focused very much on these remaining things and trying to find a settlement path, you know, obviously we’re working with the clients themselves and whatever their legal representatives are, you know, in terms of how you can find a solution.”

This story was originally published on and reposted with permission.

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