Global Earthquake Report for Thursday 3 September 2020 / VolcanoDiscovery
See also: Monthly Reports Global Earthquake Report for Thursday 3 September 2020
Thursday ، 03 September 2020 12:20 PM | Posted by: Earthquake Monitor
Global earthquakes whose magnitude exceeded 3 in the past 24 hours on September 3, 2020
Summary: 8 earthquakes 5.0+, 39 earthquakes 4.0+, 121 earthquakes 3.0+, 185 earthquakes 2.0+ (353 total) This report is updated every hour. Grade 5 +: 8 earthquakes, 4+: 39 earthquakes, 3+: 121 earthquakes, grade 2+: 185 earthquakes no earthquakes with magnitude 6 or higher Estimated total seismic energy: 6.6 × 1013 joules (18.2 gigawatt hours, equivalent) 15,670 tons of TNT or one atomic bomb!) [learn more]List of 10 largest earthquakes in the world (past 24 hours): # 1: Earthquake 5.7: 10 km west of Saint Arno, North South Island, New Zealand, September 3, 2020 10h13 # 2: 5.4 Earthquake: New Zealand, September 2, 2020 22h 39 # 3 : 5.3 Earthquake: New Zealand, September 2, 2020 21h 39 # 4: 5.2 Earthquake: Ceram, Indonesia, September 2, 2020 17h 46 # 5: 5.2 Earthquake: 176 km Al Sur de Las Tablas, Panama (Panama), September 2, 2020 Earthquake 21 X 09 # 6: 5.1 Earthquake: southeast of Easter Island, September 3, 2020 03 Q 51 # 7: 5.0 Earthquake: Irian Jaya, Indonesia, September 2, 2020 23 Q25 # 8: 5.0 Earthquake: 94 km southeast of Sola, Vanuatu, 3 September 2020 02h34 # Earthquake 9: 4.9: South Karmadec Islands (New Zealand), September 2, 2020 17h05 # 10: 4.9 Earthquake: New Zealand, September 3, 2020 00h08 Reported earthquakes felt: # 1: 5.7 Earthquake: 10 km W St Arnaud, North South Island, New Zealand, Sep 3, 2020 10h13-98 reports
A moderately strong earthquake struck New Zealand’s North South Island 15 minutes earlier at 10:13 PM local time. The epicenter of the earthquake, which struck at a depth of 62 km, was 10 km west of the small mountain town of St. Arnaud, southwest of Nelson. Thousands of people felt the slight to moderate tremor in a vast area across the northern half of the South Island and much of the southern North Island. In areas close to the epicenter, moderate to strong shaking occurred with the potential to cause at least slight damage, while the relatively large depth of the earthquake should have dampened the shaking on the ground to levels that would not cause significant damage. In 15 minutes, more than 25,000 people reported the tremor to Geonet, the New Zealand National Earthquake Agency. The earthquake is likely to be felt by a large portion of New Zealand’s population, and as of now, all New Zealand newspapers have made the earthquake headlines. Fortunately, there were no reports of injuries or severe damage.
# 2: 5.2 Earthquake: 176 Km al sur de Las Tablas, Panama (Panama), 2 Sep 2020 21h09 – 6 Reports # 3: 3.6 Earthquake: MediterrÁneo-cabo De Palos (Spain), 2 Sep 2020 21h33 – 5 Reports # 4 : Earthquake 2.4: New Zealand, September 3, 2020 10h03-5 Reports # 5: 3.3 Earthquake: New Zealand, September 3, 2020 10h43 – 3 reports # 6: 4.3 Earthquake: New Zealand, September 2, 2020 19h46 – 3 reports # 7: 4.6 Earthquake: 59 Km southwest of Boca Chica, Panama, September 2, 2020 at 18:49 – 2 Reports # 8: 2.8 Earthquake: Nw LizoÁin-arriasgoiti.na (Spain), September 2, 2020 21h08 – 2 Reports # 9: 3.0 Earthquake: 30 km S East Mina, Nevada (USA), September 3, 2020 01h55 – 2 Reports # 10: 4.1 Earthquake: 19 Km Al ESTE De LA PAZ, BCS (Mexico), September 3, 2020 02h45 – 2 Earthquake Statistics Reports:
Number of earthquakes and energy emitted versus time
Earthquake count and energy emitted versus magnitude
Earthquake magnitude and energy emitted versus time
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