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A miraculous man survived during the September 2010 earthquake


John Kirk Anderson / Staff

Simon Robinson thinks he’s very lucky to have survived a chimney fall in the September 2010 earthquake.

Simon Robinson was almost the only person killed in the Canterbury earthquake of September 2010 when it hit a chimney, shattering a bone and almost tearing his lips.

Instead, his miraculous survival means that he lived to see his children marry and his grandchildren born.

Stacy Squires / Staff

He kept a piece of tile roof from his old home as a memento of his survival.

Robinson was hit by a fallen chimney at his home in Vendalton at 4.35 AM on September 4, 2010. A first brick hit him in the head, shattering his eye socket, breaking his jaw and nearly tearing his lips. The other brick broke both legs and nearly destroyed his right foot.

He was hospitalized and went into an induced coma for four days. He was by far the most severely injured victim.

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Ten years later, he was still in constant pain from his injuries, but he felt “extremely lucky to be alive”.


Robinson being interviewed on TV about two months after the September 2010 earthquake.

“I was about to get nailed by a chimney. If that first brick hits me an inch high, it’ll kill me instantly.”

“There were a lot of parts of luck that kept me from becoming a statistic.

“I saw all of my children married and all of my grandchildren born. I would have missed all of these things.”

Kirk Hargreaves / Staff

Robinson Vindalton’s house, seen here in September 2010, was hit by a falling chimney in the 2010 earthquake.

Since the earthquakes, Robinson Fendalton’s home has been demolished, and he has sold his tall country farmhouse, Round Hill Station.

He now lives with his wife as a lifestyle in Ouhaca, North Canterbury.

“I miss the farm, but I still own 12.5 acres, and I’m still able to roam and run some ewes and cattle.”

Robinson has constant nerve pain in his legs, and plates in his shoulders and legs and part of his right foot are missing.

Stacy Squires / Staff

Robinson in 2013, on his lifestyle set in Ohoka.

“I miss the big toe and the toe next to it on my right foot. There are only three toes and a socket in that foot.”

Dealing with injuries is a constant battle.

“I try not to walk lamely. I don’t want people to ask me if I’m injured. Golf or a big day in the neighborhood, I might be lame for a day or two.”


The town of Kayabwe was devastated by the first Canterbury earthquake in 2010. Pictures of upside-down and broken homes shocked the nation. Then what happened? After a decade of disaster, Frank Film is back.

Robinson does not like to dwell on the memory of that earthquake when it comes every year.

“I don’t even admit it. I’m just trying to move forward.

“I spend time with my grandchildren and play individual golf.”

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