Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights (SRHR)
Providing a comprehensive service package that addresses sexual and reproductive health needs and rights throughout the life course benefits women, adolescents, children and societies as a whole and is very cost effective.
Why is the SRHR the focus area for 2018-2020?
Although states have obligations to respect, protect and fulfill their sexual and reproductive health rights, the growing international response has weakened political and financial support for the SRHR. The SRHR program remains to be achieved, and the transfer of rights adversely affects the health and lives of millions of women, men and young people.
The Global Impact for Universal Health Coverage (UHC) provides a unique opportunity to expand access to the full suite of sexual and reproductive health interventions. Currently, SRHR is not sufficiently prioritized in national health development plans and there are challenges to monitoring and analyzing SRHR resource flows data.
Comprehensive SRHR-related indicators are also missing, as well as follow-up when these indicators identify potential areas for investment and improvement. The lack of data disaggregated by gender, age and income continues to hamper informed decision-making on policies and programs to address the needs of women and adolescents for SRHR.
What should be done?
The Global Strategy for the Health of Women, Children and Adolescents emphasizes that by strengthening national policies, laws, strategies and programs to increase access to evidence-based SRHR interventions, countries can significantly reduce mortality and mortality due to unintended pregnancy, sexually transmitted infections, including HIV and unsafe abortion.
Ensuring universal access to quality age-specific SRHR information, services and products will enable young women to complete their education, decide whether and when to have children, and participate in the workforce – all key factors for developing inclusive societies and sustainable growth.
Stakeholders from all sectors need to work together to address the financial and programming gaps in the SRHR program in order to promote, respect, protect and fulfill the fundamental rights of every girl and woman.
How is PMNCH changing?
PMNCH works with partners and countries on the three main goals of the SRHR: to ensure that the SRHR forms part of the UHC program; accelerate progress towards universal access to SRHR services, including comprehensive sexuality education; and incorporating SRHR interventions into bone national plans, programs and strategies, including health financing strategies.
PMNCH supports its members and other partners to improve coordination at all levels, to reach consensus on their roles, and to foster multi-sectoral collaboration on SRHR-related initiatives. PMNCH synthesizes and disseminates evidence of effective SRHR interventions and successful program implementation and is committed to securing political, financial and non-financial obligations to the SRHR. PMNCH also facilitates efforts to strengthen the SRHR accountability process and works with partners to improve SRHR monitoring, evaluation and reporting.
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