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The WHO, UN Foundation and partners have launched the first such COVID-19 solidarity fund


GENEVA and Washington, DC – New Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) The Response Solidarity Fund will raise money from a wide range of donors to support the work of the World Health Organization (WHO) and partners to help countries respond to the COVID-19 pandemic. The Fund, the first of its kind, enables private individuals, corporations and institutions anywhere in the world to come together to contribute directly to global response efforts, created jointly by the United Nations Foundation and the Swiss Foundation for Philanthropy. who with.

“We are at a critical point in the global response to COVID-19 – we should all be involved in these tremendous efforts to preserve the world,” said Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, Director-General of WHO. “We are immensely grateful to the UN Foundation and the Swiss Foundation for Philanthropy for helping us found this fund. A lot of people and institutions have stated that they want to contribute to the fight against the new coronavirus. Now I can. “

The fund is being launched with more support already put together, including Facebook and Google which have set up a matching scheme for funds raised through their platforms, while individual donors also support the fund through

“We cannot ignore the fact that this is a truly global problem – one that requires truly global solutions,” said Elizabeth Cousens, president and CEO of the UN Foundation. “The case for global cooperation could not be clearer – communities are affected everywhere and people want to contribute. This new fund will create people to be able to fight this virus everywhere together. ”

The funds will go to the activities outlined in the COVID-19 Strategic Preparedness and Response Plan to enable all countries – especially those most vulnerable and at risk and with the weakest health systems – to prepare and respond to the COVID-19 crisis, including rapid detecting cases, stopping the transmission of viruses and caring for patients.

WHO and its partners seek funding for safety equipment for healthcare professionals; equip diagnostic laboratories; improve monitoring and data collection; establish and maintain intensive care units; strengthen supply chains; accelerate vaccine research and development and therapies; and take other critical steps to increase the public health response to the pandemic.

The COVID-19 Solidarity Response Fund hosts two foundations, the UN Foundation (registered in the United States) and the Swiss Foundation for Philanthropy (registered in Switzerland). Both foundations have established relationships with the World Health Organization, facilitating the efficient transfer of funding to enable COVID-19 to respond.

Apart from giving online at www.COVID19ResponseFund.orgThe UN Foundation can also receive donations by check or wire from around the world by contact [email protected].

All donations made to the United Nations Foundation and the Swiss Foundation of Philanthropy are taxed to the extent permitted by law, where applicable (USA and Switzerland). In addition, the Swiss Foundation for Philanthropy has partnered Transnational giving to Europe extend the tax credit to some additional European countries, if applicable.



COVID-19 Strategic Preparedness and Response Plan

Coronavirus Outbreak Data (COVID-19)

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