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Forces deep underground explain earthquakes and tremors that occurred along the San Andreas Fault


06 Sep 2020, 12:50 pm EDT

A new study conducted by researchers at the University of Southern California found that melting of rocks deep in the earth appears to be the cause of tremors that occur along a portion of the San Andreas Fault known to earthquakes. The study gives a new explanation for the causes of these tremors.

(Image: Wikimedia Commons) A new study has identified how melting rocks and the forces of the depths of the Earth appear to be the cause of the tremors that occur along a portion of the San Andreas Fault known as earthquakes. The study gives a new explanation for the causes of these tremors.

The new research stems from the newest field of science known as seismic physics. It investigates the physics and dynamics of tremors from a bottom-up perspective, rather than the other way around. Focuses on fluids, friction and subterranean rocks.

According to USC Dana and David Dornsife College of Letters, Arts & Sciences, Assistant Professor of Earth Sciences Sylvan Barbot, the majority of seismic motions occurring in the state come from the top ten miles of our planet’s crust. However, some of the tremors occurring below San Andreas originate from a much deeper area.

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The new study

The new study has been published in Science Advances. According to Barbeau, scientists still often do not know the mechanisms and causes of these tremors. In their new study, the researchers showed how a deep portion of the San Andreas Fault disintegrates and melts host rocks, producing mysterious earthquakes.

The importance of this study is to advance our understanding of the mechanisms and predictions of the likelihood of earthquakes, including the subterranean forces that cause them.

This understanding helps agencies improve emergency preparedness programs, policies, and even building codes, especially in areas with a lot of earthquakes. The study results are also useful in engineering applications such as hydraulic fracturing, where rock temperatures change rapidly.

Study site

The researchers chose Parkfield for the study because it is among the most monitored seismic centers in the world. It is shattered by the San Andreas Fault, with regular large earthquakes of 6 magnitude.

According to the USGS, precisely these earthquakes occurred in the following years: 1857 and 1881 in the nineteenth century; And five years in the twentieth century, specifically in 1901, in 1922, and in 1934, then jumped to 1966, and finally in 2004.

There are also small, deeper tremors that occur at regular intervals for a few months.

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Check out more news and information about earthquakes on Nature World News.


The researchers experimented with rocks and created mathematical models, as well as simulated the dynamics of deep rift activity over a period of three centuries to look at the behavior and sizes of the ruptures.


The study found that after a major earthquake, the converging tectonic plates below the fault boundary undergo a kind of stability, as they slide over each other in a slow sliding that does not disturb the Earth significantly.

However, there is gradual friction of the quartz and granite pieces that form the bedrock of the veneer, which produces heat. When this temperature increases and reaches levels of 650 degrees Fahrenheit, it makes the rocks more flexible, causing them to slip and create more friction – a positive feedback loop. When they slide against each other more quickly, it causes an earthquake.

Barbot says they try to explain each type of movement these forces are carrying out, not just with regard to earthquakes and earthquakes along the San Andreas Fault but with geological forces in general.

Read next: Earthquake swarm near the San Andreas Fault, California is in major earthquake risk this week

Check out more news and information about the San Andreas Fault in Natural World News.

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