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A stroll through Futaba, the city of Fukushima that’s been out of time since the 2011 nuclear disaster


Photons are seen in Healthcare Futaba left as they were in March 2011, expressing a sense of urgency at the time, in this photo taken on August 11, 2020. (Mainichi / Tomonari Takao) Piles of files strewn on a bed containing the names of the people using The welfare center that someone apparently tried and maintained was seen at Health Care Futaba, in Futaba City, Fukushima Prefecture, on August 11, 2020. (Mainichi / Tomonari Takao)

Futaba, Fukushima – Nine and a half years after the Great East Japan Earthquake in March 2011 and the resulting nuclear disaster, the streets and homes of this city in Fukushima Prefecture continued to deteriorate while remaining as it was on people’s day every day life suddenly stopped.

Futaba Town is the only remaining municipality in the area near the ill-fated Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant where people cannot live due to the landslides. The townspeople are still scattered across the country, unable to return. Vegetation invades the interior of homes, with some plants reaching the height of roofs. Walking through the silent town, which has been the victim of earthquakes, tsunamis, and nuclear disaster in short succession, her stillness seemed to still ask why she had been allowed to end this way.

The city’s integrated healthcare and healthcare facility, Healthcare Futaba, served as an evacuation center in the immediate aftermath of the strong earthquake. Until now, notifications showing evacuation destinations for city residents are still suspended. There are beds and beds left like people have just woken up. At the cooking station, rice pots that are still stuck to it were left with dry spoons and other ingredients still inside.

I was allowed into the building by Muneshige Osumi, 66, Futaba Municipal Government Secretary and General Coordinator for the Public Relations Department, and Yukimi Itakura, 61, Department Director. They tell me it was really the same as it was in March 2011.

The day I was there, nearly nine and a half years since the disaster, I found a whiteboard inside the facility with the phrase “Happy Birthday” written on it. On March 11, 2011, a party was held here for a woman celebrating her eighty-eighth birthday. The plastic bottles left there on a table with the drinks inside evoked a sense of calm in the people.

But piles of files strewn over a bed containing the names of people using the welfare center that someone seemed to be trying to keep were urgently reported at the time.

(Japanese origin by Tomonari Takao, Osaka editorial department)

In pictures: Fukushima is frozen in time due to the disasters in March 2011.

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