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Matthias Almeida, Chris Wendolowski hurt after the San Jose Earthquakes 7-1 loss


Just a few weeks ago, several of the San Jose Earthquakes nominees as one of the favorites to win the MLS Championship were back in Orlando as they reached the quarter-finals.

After the worst defeat in club history, 7-1, at the hands of the Seattle Sounders, Earthquakes now find themselves in last place in the Western Conference (2W-4L-3D) with the most goals scored by any team in MLS history. (26) After nine games in a regular season.

So what happened in a few weeks?

Highlights: Seattle 7, San Jose 1

“At the start of the regular season, we’re already in a bad shape,” COEX coach Matthias Almeida said after losing 7-1 in Seattle. “When we got to the level of the competition [in Orlando] This is because the defenders, midfielders and forwards all played the same way. Today, there has never been a defender, midfielder or striker who did better than the others. The coach, that’s me, the team played really badly and we have to get ourselves out of this. “

Almeida said his team “played like a last-placed team and played Seattle like the last champ” and noted that the earthquake was unrecognizable from the team that played the Sounders during a 0-0 draw on July 10 at the MLS is Back. .

The Argentine coach, who has been in command since the start of the 2019 season, took the blame – “I always say the person in charge is the coach because the coach picks the 11 to start,” he said. But when asked if pulling out of MLS was Back Tournament due to physical condition or simple execution, Almeida said the win and losing matches were influenced by the players’ interpretation of the game’s plan.

“Upon explanation [of the game plan] That’s fine and we do what we plan, we can compete. ”But when we’re away, especially against a team like this [Seattle] With predefined schemes [movements] And you are marking three meters away and not half a meter as we planned. When you get the ball and instead of giving it to a teammate, you give it to the opponent, it’s difficult. “

San Jose captain Chris Wendolowski agreed with his coach’s assessment, saying the players knew exactly what was coming from the Sounders.

“I think we need to implement the game plan. That’s the biggest difference,” Wondolovsky said. “When you play unselfish, some special things happen. When that doesn’t happen, that is like a fine line between rich and poor, especially in this league. Right now we’re being punished, and rightly so, and it’s not good enough in all areas.

“I think the most important thing has changed [from Orlando] It is a fine line when you are marking. You can be yards away and think you are close. This is not close enough. That’s the difference, “Wendolovsky continued, noting that the Quakes press was lagging behind all over the field.“ We’re trying out a few easy things and trying to do the bare minimum. This was not our system from the start. I think we need to get back to what was successful. Much of it has been our hard work and energy. We have to work outside the teams and we know that. “

Jordan Morris beats Paul Marie of SJ in Sounders’ 7-1 win | Joe Nicholson – USA Sports Today

Wendolovsky described it as a “painful night,” and Almeida spoke of the loss causing him “inner pain”. But despite the agony that comes with a 7-1 loss – it’s the third defeat for San Jose in the last four matches – Earthquakes are still only three points away from a playoff with a postponed match on most Western Conference teams.

Almeida said it would be difficult to implement so many new changes with very few training sessions to work on due to the intense schedule, but he is focusing on finding a way to regain players’ confidence. Wondolowski challenges himself to do exactly that before the Cali Clasico match against LA Galaxy that will be coming home Sunday (11pm ET on UniMas, TUDN and Twitter in the USA).

“I think the location of this club and the steps we have taken, is still heading in a great direction and these steps are still along the way and are still on the right track,” Wondolovsky said. “Is tonight painful? Yes sure. Tonight is definitely a gut blow. It hurts me. It hurts my vanity and hurts everything. This will keep me awake at night. Once again, this was on me and I have to make sure I get these guys and get myself ready. I turned the ball on. Several times in the middle of the field, it was awkward.

“We have a match on Sunday. It’s another Clasico and we’d better be prepared. And it’s not just about connecting passes, it’s about the energy we bring. That is lacking too.”


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