Why is J&K Highway prone to landslides? – part One
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Understanding landslides is important to predict their locations and avoid damage and loss. Part one of the series will give an overview of the science behind it
Landslides are frequent in the Jammu and Kashmir region. Although the locations of future landslide sites are widely expected, the unfortunate loss of people and disruption due to landslides remains an ongoing issue. This clearly indicates that landslide hazards are a major problem that must be solved. Therefore, the motivation for writing this article aims to educate people about landslide science, and subsequent articles will look at the problem from a scientific perspective with a focus on Jammu and Kashmir, and how to avoid future disasters.
Landslide is the movement of a mass of rock or debris down a slope. The dimensions of a landslide can be very small or massive, and its movement can be slow or very fast. There are various causes for these movements. For example, precipitation (precipitation), topography, geology (types of rocks and soil), and human activities can trigger landslides. Anything that affects slope conditions can cause ramp failure, potentially in an area prone to landslides. This includes human induced slope failure, especially during construction, mining, etc. Earthquakes and volcanic eruptions also contribute to these mass movements.
One recent example of the occurrence of large-scale landslides was due to an earthquake that was identified in Muzaffarabad, Pakistan, when a 7.6 magnitude earthquake struck this region in 2005. It is estimated that more than 86,000 people lost their lives and several million became homeless. This affected an area of more than 30,000 square kilometers and caused thousands of landslides.
The risk of landslides may have increased due to landslides and avalanches that followed the earthquakes. Such risks remain high during wet seasons especially in places like Muzaffarabad, Balakot, Garhi and Dupatta. There are several dams rivers. This may also pose risks, if not managed properly. In general, such a situation can occur during an earthquake, if it crosses a river. Artificial lakes, dams, and waterfalls can form during this process. This happened during the Kashmir earthquake and was seen in many other places.
Any future city planning must address these risks, which are critical to saving lives and property. This should be done particularly in places like Jammu and Kashmir where earthquake risks are high and conditions are suitable for mass slipping during earthquakes.
Gravity is the driving force
Slopes are generally unstable over a long period of time and hence, they tend to stabilize through transition to a new and stable condition. This is achieved through the force of gravity, which is the driving force and will always act on the slopes to pull it down. There is always a push and pull between the driving force (gravity) and the force of resistance, which is the force of a rock mass that can be loaded against gravity. A ramp may fail, if the driving force exceeds resistance.
Gravity allows us to walk on the surface of the Earth. When the surface is flat, it is very easy to walk, because gravity acts perpendicular to our feet. However, if the surface is inclined, then it is difficult to walk, because the force of gravity in this case consists of two components. These two components operate on a slope: one is parallel to its surface and the other is perpendicular. The slope parallel component will always try to make anything that rests on its surface unstable in nature and will cause shear stress parallel to the slope, pulling the object downward. However, the vertical component of gravity helps hold the body in place on the slope.
Friction and cohesion
The forces that resist movement down the slope are grouped under the term shear force, which includes the resistance to friction and the cohesion between the particles that make up the body. For example, when we want to push an object over a slope, we need some force to do so and the force applied must overcome the resistance due to friction (which is the area of the object in contact with the sloping surface).
Under normal conditions, the applied force is gravity and must overcome friction and cohesion between particles. If the surface is rough, the friction will be greater because the particles of the body are firmly attached to the surface. However, when the surface is slippery or polished, it is easy to slip onto it.
One of the reasons for sliding more in wet seasons is that water makes slopes slippery, reduces friction and facilitates sliding. Cohesion is the force that keeps materials (such as rocks) intact. When you choose a rock and look at it carefully, you can notice that it is made of a number of minerals of different colors. These are linked together or intertwined by forces of cohesion.
When the frictional and cohesion forces become smaller than the shear stress, the object on the slope slides downward. Alternatively, when the cohesion forces, which bind particles of rock or soil together, are weaker than the shear force, the rocks will collapse under the influence of gravity.
Slope stability can be evaluated in terms of the safety factor, which is the ratio of the resistance force (shear strength) to the driving force (shear stress).
Fs = shear strength / shear stress
If this ratio is a little more than 1, then the slope is close to being unstable, however, if it is much greater than 1, (1.5 or 2), then the slope is stable, because the shear strength (resistance and cohesion forces) is much greater than The driving force.
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Dr.. Afrooz Ahmad Shah
The author is Assistant Professor of Structural Geology and Physical and Geological Sciences at the University of Brunei Darussalam. He can be contacted at: [email protected]
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