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San Jose Earthquakes and Portland Timbers match predictions, preview, team news and more


San Jose Earthquakes will face Portland Timbers for the second time in four days. MLS Western Conference’s enemies tied 1-1 midweek at Earthquakes. This was a test time for San Jose who was struggling to replicate the look the MLS is Back starring in.

Portland Timbers, MLS champion is back, also affected recently and are currently seventh in the Western standings, tied by 15 points with Los Angeles Galaxy and Los Angeles FC but trailing behind on goal difference.

The Timbers have only had one win in the last seven games of the regular season while Team Earthquakes have not won any of the last seven games. Earlier this month they were humbled by the Seattle Sounders, as they were beaten 7-1 at CenturyLink Stadium.

The return of Yimmi Chara sure gave the Portland Timbers a boost and he joined his brother to give them the lead against the San Jose Earthquakes on Wednesday. Coach Giovanni Savarese hopes Yemi Chara can play the full 90 from here on out.

“Yimmi showed a lot of quality today, he played an excellent game and managed to score a nice goal”, “We played the minutes we thought he needed and he continues to advance, and he keeps getting better. Hopefully he will be completely fit soon to be able to play 90, We’re working on it but he’s doing great today. San Jose Earthquakes vs Portland Timbers Head-to-Head

Portland Timbers dominated the match, winning 13 of their 27 matches against San Jose Earthquakes. Earthquakes won only six matches against the Portland Timbers. Eight matches ended in a draw.

The two teams tied 1-1 when they met on Wednesday.

San Jose Earthquakes Model Handbook in MLS: LDLLD

Portland Timbers Model Handbook in MLS: WLDLD

San Jose Earthquakes vs. Portland Timbers news

San Jose Earthquakes’ Gilbert Fuentes is still out of action after suffering a broken collarbone. Other than that, they have a whole team on call.

Injuries: Gilbert Fuentes

Doubtful: nothing

Comment: Nothing

Dayron Esbrilla and Sebastian Blanco miss the Timmers. They have no further losses or suspensions.

Injured: Deron Asprilla, Sebastian Blanco

Doubtful: nothing

Commentator: Nothing

Expected Lists San Jose Earthquakes vs Portland Timbers

Expected San Jose Earthquakes Lineup (4-1-4-1): Daniel Vega. Marcus Lopez, Joram Cacia, Oswaldo Alanis, Nick Lima; Florian Jongworth; Chia Salinas, Jackson Yoel, Tommy Thompson, Christian Espinosa; Chris Wondolovsky

Portland Timbers expected in the starting line-up (4-3-1-2): Steve Clark. Jorge Villavana, Dario Zubarek, Larese Mobyala and Chris Duvall; Eric Williamson, Diego Chara; Christian Paredes, Diego Valerie, Marvin Lauria; Jeremy Epubisi

San Jose Earthquakes vs Portland Timbers forecast

Both teams are low on confidence and we expect to see more of what we saw on Wednesday evening. There is an intimate relationship on the cards, folks.

Prediction: San Jose Earthquakes 1-1 Portland Timbers

Posted 18 September 2020, 14:08 am.

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