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Judge Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s secret weapon of success


Judge Ruth Bader Ginsburg speaks at the 4th Annual Bergerwin Prize Gala, December 16, 2019 at … [+] New York City. (Photo by Eugene Gologursky / Getty Images for the Bergerwin Institute)

Getty Images for the Bergerwin Institute

Twenty and twenty are far from over, with seismic elections in just 45 days, and another social, economic and political earthquake – especially for women – with the death of the irreplaceable icon of American history, Supreme Court Judge Ruth Bader Ginsburg (RBG) last night.

The death of the RBG provides further evidence that 2020 has become the year of women, coinciding with the centenary of the right of women to vote (the Nineteenth Amendment), and the disproportionate social and economic impact of the epidemic economic crisis on women (which many have called this a “compromise”) .

Add the first woman of color on the presidential ticket, that women are the largest single voting bloc in this election year and are running for office in record numbers (including in the presidential primaries), and the picture becomes clearer. Not to mention, women have quietly broken the glass ceiling in the private sector, including being named the first woman to run a large bank, with Jane Fraser of Citigroup as the next CEO.

Even women whose politics conflict with her owes their ability to be heard and well paid to Ruth Bader Ginsburg.

American women of all generations, regardless of their politics, benefited from Judge Ginsburg’s brilliance and fierce perseverance as Davida confronted Goliath in systemic, legal, and economic inequality in the United States over the course of her 60 years of her legal career. Women were not even allowed to wear pants in the office when law school began in 1956, nor did they play sports at school, and 70% worked in secretarial roles.

Thousands, possibly millions of intelligent, talented and determined female lawyers – from Sherilyn Eiffel of the NAACP Legal Defense Fund to former Watergate Attorney General Gill Wayne Banks (whom I just met on my podcast), to the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) – owe it. With their jobs and livelihoods justice Ginsburg. Judge Sandra Day O’Connor, the first woman on the U.S. Supreme Court and a conservative Republican nominated by President Ronald Reagan, does, too.

Secret Weapon Photo, by Mystic Designs, Pixaby

Mystic Designs, Pixabay

RBG’s secret weapon

What not enough people talk about today while the state mourns Judge Ginsburg is her true secret weapon: her wit and ability to articulate key points in complex and complex legal arguments, in ways that show the ground-level impact of legal rulings on people’s real lives. Even when she did not convince her colleagues in court, she sometimes persuaded politicians and the public, inspiring pioneering legislative and civic action.

For example, in the United States v. Virginia case, regarding women being denied entry to the Virginia Military Institute (VMI), Judge Ginsburg convinced nearly all of her colleagues that the institute’s male-only policy was discriminatory. (Her dear friend, Judge Scalia, remains unconvinced.) This landmark ruling opened the doors of a prestigious academy to women, enabling women to achieve broader success in the U.S. military.

In her famous litigation against the Lily Ledbetter case, the Leadbetter v. Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co. For example – who took the rare step of reading aloud to the court to communicate her points – she said in part, “From our point of view, the court does not understand, or is indifferent, the insidious way in which women can be victims of wage discrimination.” It did not win the Supreme Court, but it did inspire the Lily Ledbetter Fair Pay Act, the first piece of legislation President Obama signed into law, overturning the Supreme Court ruling.

When she vehemently challenged her colleagues’ judgment in Shelby v. Holder, a 2013 ruling that nullified fundamental voting rights protections for the landmark Voting Rights Act, Judge Ginsburg made her point clearly. Judge Ginsberg wrote: “Getting rid of pre-clearance when it works and continuing to act to stop discriminatory changes is like dumping your parachute in a rainstorm because you don’t get wet.”

So, note your career path …

As we celebrate this little giant in US history, and learn about the huge hole her death left in our world and our hearts, it would also be wise to learn from her fundamental skill to succeed. That is, its extraordinary ability to communicate its causes – to make its case – using comparisons and a specific, easy-to-understand language, and to show the impact of the problem on our real lives, on the kitchen table, everyday issues and on real workplace experiences. .

Thank you, Judge Ginsburg, for using your talents and energy to empower each of us, especially women, and to make the world a better and more just place, where each of us can pursue our potential, as you have so eminently done.


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