Anderson Dam, a reservoir from Morgan Hill slated to close for a decade of promotion – CBS San Francisco
MORGAN HILL (KPIX) – Anderson Reservoir over Morgan Hill is about to approach the crowd for an upgrade. And while it was clearly needed, some were shocked at how long it would be blocked.
In 2009, the Anderson Dam was seismically unsound. So, starting October 1, the public will no longer be allowed anywhere near the lake due to the water level dropping to almost none.
“As early as January 2021, we could have a completely different kind of vision for the Anderson Reservoir,” said John Varela of the Santa Clara Valley Waterpark. “It will be this way for a long time.”
very long time. Valley Water officials expect the work will not be completed before 2031.
First, they will dig a new outlet tunnel that will quadruple the amount of water that can be released under control. They couldn’t release the water fast enough in 2017, so the water spilled, flooding the Coyote creek and parts of San Jose.
Thanks to lessons learned after the failure of the Oroville Dam, they are also required to completely replace the concrete water course.
Upon completion of this project, they will start a seismic adjustment process, removing soil that could seep in a major earthquake. If that happened, it might wipe out part of Morgan Hill.
Brian Le will miss hiking in the area for the next decade, but his home ID is right below the dam.
He told me, “Yes, I see. They need to drain the dam because in case of an earthquake, it will flood the area and destroy my house. So, I understand that.”
There will be no fishing, boating or hiking in fact the public will not be allowed in at all due to all the heavy equipment deployed there. Although the reasons may be easy to understand, it can still be difficult to wrap your mind about this time frame.
“Decade?” Said visiting Kayabit Vivanco. “Just that – I have no idea about that!”
The tank is currently under 18% of its capacity and the place really feels deserted. The lake will one day reopen and officials say it will be better and safer than ever. It’s a little hard to imagine now.
“I’d just like to imagine people playing there,” said seven-year-old Malachai Mendoza, on his first visit to Lake Anderson. “I just love to imagine things.”
It will take a decade for the upgrades to complete.
It took only about a year to build the original dam in 1950.
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