The Geology Lecture Series: The Gold Rush, San Francisco Earthquakes, and the Seismic Future | Styles of life
COOS BAY – The Southwestern Oregon Community College Geology Lecture Series is virtual for 2020-2021. To continue the series, on Saturday, October 10, at 7 pm, Dr. Ross S. Stein will give a lecture on “How the Gold Rush and the San Francisco Earthquake of 1906 enabled us to predict our seismic future.”
Dr. Stein is the CEO and founding partner of Temblor, Inc. , Assistant Professor of Geophysics at Stanford University, Emeritus US Geological Survey Scientist, Former Chair of the Division of Tectonic Physics at the American Geophysical Union, and Distinguished Global Lecturer at the 2018 American Geological Society.
Dr. Stein describes his lecture: “Almost everything we love in the San Francisco Bay Area is brought to us by faults. In the absence of San Andreas and Hayward faults, there will be no San Francisco Bay, the only deep protected port in California’s coast, and hence the source of the Gold Rush. The Hayward Fault raises the Berkeley and Oakland Hills Rivers, with their magnificent views of the Golden Gate Bridge for a sunset. The San Gregorio Fault makes the Big Sur “great.” A curvature in the San Andreas Fault pushes the Santa Cruz Mountains, the backbone of the peninsula, and the main lands For Marin, these coastal ranges soothe the climate, flood us with fog, and culminate in redwood.
“What I want you to see is that we enjoy the fruits of imperfections every day. So, we must learn to live with its accidental spoils – as it happened in the San Francisco Bay Area in 1868, and most famously in 1906 and 1989. You will see that while we cannot predict earthquakes, we know. Where and why the risk is high. We know how to construct buildings that can withstand anything that could trigger faults. During this presentation, we will move from discovering gold to discovering what an earthquake is, and how earthquakes interact, illustrated in four different demos. The lecture will leave with a means of earthquake risk assessment Of your own, to ensure the safety of your family. “
Stein frequently brings insights into public media interviews, public conversations, and in IMAX films and the Discovery Channel. He gave the 2012 TEDx lecture, “Defeating Earthquakes,” which has been viewed over 50,000 times.
The Geology Lecture Series is free and conducted by default on the college website www.socc.edu, click the LiveStream button. For those unable to go live, these lectures will also be archived, with access from the website at https://livestream.com/SWOCC/geology2019-20. Additional talks this year include: Dr. Jenny Edgecomb on life in the lower cortex on Saturday November 7 at 2 p.m. The 16th Anniversary Lecture of Cassadia (Think Seismic and Whale Research) on Tuesday 26th January 2021 at 7 pm; Dr. Sean Davis spoke on climate change on Tuesday 23 February 2021 at 7 PM; Dr. Scott Burns discusses radon on Saturday, March 13th, 2021 at 7 PM; And Dr. Jessica LaBonte with Life About Hydrothermal Vents on Friday, April 9th, 7 pm, sponsors include the DB Western, The Mill Casino, IRIS / SSA, Ocean Discovery Lecture Series, Southwestern Foundation, and Southwestern Oregon Community College.
For additional information, contact Ron Metzger at 541-888-7216.
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