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Earthquake Lightning: Mysterious Flashing Phenomenon


Were you aware that earthquakes are sometimes associated with luminescence, called earthquake lightning? This phenomenon has been documented throughout history, such as between 1965 and 1967, the Matsushiro earthquake swarm caused the surrounding mountain to flicker multiple times. In 1993, when an earthquake triggered a tsunami off the coast in southwest Hokkaido, 5 boats were set ablaze and burned ashore. Various models have been proposed to explain earthquake lightning, and different factors appear to contribute to such light emissions. Professor Emeritus Yuji Inomoto of Shinshu University, first author of the laboratory investigation study of seismic lightning due to landslide does not believe that these accidents can be explained in a uniform way using a single model.

Therefore, the study focused on the flashing phenomenon resulting from landslides. The team selected different types of rocks that make up the mountains that represent Earth across Japan; Granite, lava rock, rhyolite, limestone and serpentinite. What he found is that different rocks have different causes to shine and some rocks like serpentinite do not emit light at all.

Granite is known to exhibit remarkable light emission due to the piezo effect of quartz inside. There have been witness accounts of the lightning earthquake in the granite-free areas. Researchers looked at earthquake lightning descriptions in the Japan Historical Earthquake Archive. At least 5 of the 55 accounts of earthquake lightning were due to landslides since AD ​​869

You can probably imagine how light could be emitted when rocks collide violently. However, the shine of the rocks is instant and subdued. For this reason, ultra-sensitive, high-speed, and high-resolution ultra-sensitive cameras and spectrophotometers were needed to study. Fortunately, premium cameras with an ISO sensitivity of 25600 were available in the market at relatively low prices. For hypersensitive spectrum analysis a suitable device for this purpose was commercially available but very expensive. Fortunately, the research team managed to borrow one from Konica Minolta, and the difficulty in continuing the search was resolved. Please watch the attached video for the experiment method and the different visual observations of the types of light emitted.

There are many cases in which electromagnetic anomalies associated with earthquakes have been documented while the cause remains a mystery. Although it is a rare phenomenon, Professor Fakhry Inomoto feels an obligation as a tribologist to elucidate such phenomena. He hopes that understanding such phenomena will advance earthquake prediction and promote effective disaster prevention.

During the 2011 Tohoku-Aoki earthquake of magnitude 9.0, the number of electrons in the ionosphere suddenly increased above the epicenter about 10 minutes after the earthquake. Professor Emeritus Inomoto studied this accident and proposed the coupling model of the lithosphere, hydrosphere, atmosphere and ionosphere in terms of the current generation of charged fog. He is currently working on explaining why in 1995, during the Hyogo-ken Nanbu earthquake, the normally dark sky in the west became brighter than usual, changing color from bluish purple, white, then red. This is a difficult task. Professor Inomoto hopes to produce a research book on awareness that explains these incidents so that they can be understood by a wider audience.


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