Santa Barbara officials say you should be prepared for the “big event” as part of Earthquake Preparation Month
![Santa Barbara officials say you should be prepared for the “big event” as part of Earthquake Preparation Month Santa Barbara officials say you should be prepared for the “big event” as part of Earthquake Preparation Month](https://keyt.b-cdn.net/2020/10/Screen-Shot-2020-10-01-at-4.47.20-PM.png)
Santa Barbara County, California – How ready are you for “Big One,” the name associated with a massive earthquake expected sometime in the future.
The California Office of Emergency Services asks you to take earthquakes very seriously. We often focus on other disasters, which we see annually, such as wildfires, but earthquakes create many areas of concern at different levels, and you are usually not previously evacuated to a shelter.
And urges the country to prepare for earthquakes this month.
“In an earthquake, as long as your home is safe to stay in, we want you to stay there, and we want you to think about having your resources at home,” says Kelly Hubbard, director of emergency services in Santa Barbara County.
History shows that we have seen devastating earthquakes and buildings collapses, and in the modern era, due to improved coding requirements, buildings have become stronger and so is our local safety net.
“Neighborhood awareness in the event of a disaster is part of our community’s resilience. Being able to get to know your neighbor is a vital part of your response,” says Hubbard.
She encourages you to know where the elderly live, as this may need help. Or leave the kids at home when their parents are at work.
Responding to the needs in your group will assist the first responders when they arrive at the assessment.
In a major emergency with a number of incoming service calls, you may not see an emergency responder as quickly as you normally would.
There are two main reasons for delaying rescue teams.
“The first is the greater the broad effect,” says Hubbard. “Our first responders also have a responsibility to do what is called a windshield wiping. They are out in the community and looking for major damage.”
This leads to an incident command structure and resource allocation at the local and regional levels, if applicable.
Both first responders and members of the organized community already plan in advance.
“We are working on a joint plan with Ventura County over a transportation concept that might have impacts with 101 because we depend on it,” says Hubbard.
During the Thomas Fire and Montecito disasters, Highway 101 was affected several times. The California Highway Patrol escorted the vehicles, where possible, especially emergency and supply officials, and medical personnel.
There were also boats ferrying people back and forth between Santa Barbara and Ventura.
The volunteer pilots took in the air as a transport service for doctors and those providing vital services.
A good day to organize a workout is October 15, which is the annual California Great Rocking Day. This event will take a new look this year.
Whether you work at home and your kids are at home trying to go to school, use October 15 or whatever time there is to talk to your kids about preparing for earthquakes. Advise anywhere in your home to duck, cover and keep going. Learn how you can help your children know Place your resources and get this family plan. “
For alerts, online registration will allow you to choose a call, text message, or email. Your best bet is to have them all.
For more information, go to: Santa Barbara County Office of Emergency Management
California Office of Emergency Services
California Great Tremor
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