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The Supreme Court blames the government for the nuclear disaster: the Asahi Shimbun


The recent Supreme Court ruling was a harsh indictment of the plant operator and the central government for allowing unprecedented damage from the 2011 Fukushima nuclear disaster by ignoring warnings and taking no action.

In a compensation lawsuit filed by about 3,700 plaintiffs, including residents of Fukushima Prefecture and the evacuees, the Sendai High Court ruled that the Tokyo Electric Corporation and the government were liable for damage caused by the accident at Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant No. 1.

The decision was significant because it was the first Supreme Court ruling in a series of lawsuits across the country seeking compensation from both TEPCO and the government for the triple collapse caused by the earthquake and tsunami in March 2011.

In the nine and a half years since the accident, about 90 plaintiffs have died in this case. The government and utilities must not delay in providing relief without fail to all people who have suffered from the disaster.

The trial focused on two questions. One of them was whether to predict the possibility of such a huge tsunami engulfing the plant. The other is whether the accident can be avoided.

The Supreme Court recognized the reliability of the long-term assessment of the probability of major earthquakes issued by the Government House to Promote Earthquake Research in 2002. The report warned of the possibility of a massive earthquake off Fukushima Prefecture.

The court ruled that the accident could have been avoided if TEPCO and the government had taken appropriate action.

The ruling was a sharp rebuke to the facilities and the government.

Regarding the long-term assessment of the chances of a massive earthquake in Fukushima, for example, TEPCO sought only one researcher’s opinion criticizing the evaluation and then told the now defunct Nuclear and Industrial Safety Agency that the assessment was not reliable. .

The Supreme Court denounced the agency, which was responsible for the safety of nuclear power plants, for easily accepting the facility’s dishonest judgment on risk assessment and failing to fulfill the role the regulatory agency was supposed to play.

The ruling effectively confirmed that both TEPCO and the government were responsible for the accident because they attached more importance to the company’s net profits than to plant safety due to concerns about the financial burden of taking safety measures against the potential tsunami.

The Supreme Court ruled that the government had the same level of responsibility as the utilities, opposing a lower court ruling that placed government responsibility at half that of TEPCO.

The court took into account the fact that the government had been promoting nuclear power generation under its energy policy and continued to allow the facilities to operate the plant.

It is a reasonable and fair judgment.

The fact that the administration’s failure to act was clearly blamed by the judiciary should be taken seriously.

All concerned people, whatever their positions, must take a fresh and hard look at what was behind the Fukushima nuclear disaster.

The administration, which remains intent on restarting offline reactors, and energy companies that are stalling in efforts to protect their nuclear facilities from potential volcanic eruptions and terrorist attacks for economic reasons, should carefully read the ruling and address its important message.

Another important element of the ruling expanded the range of plaintiffs who could receive compensation and increased the total amount of compensation because it recognized the seriousness of the suffering of victims who lost their homes. The court ordered the defendants to pay a total of more than 1 billion yen ($ 9.47 million) to the plaintiffs.

The increased amount means that the compensation paid so far to the victims in accordance with the guidelines established by the Government’s Dispute Settlement Committee for Compensation for Nuclear Damage is insufficient.

Similar views on compensation for people affected by the Fukushima disaster have been expressed in other court rulings in similar compensation claims.

In its editorials, the Asahi Shimbun called for a review of compensation guidelines, which were put in place shortly after the nuclear accident, arguing that they did not reflect the actual extent of the damage.

The government should also address this issue immediately.

– The Asahi Shimbun, October 2


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