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Koeberg safety concerns after earthquakes hit Cape Town


The Sunday Times reported that the discovery of a previously unknown geological rift zone – along with two earthquakes felt in Cape Town last week – raised concerns about the safety of the Kuberg Nuclear Power Plant.

The newly discovered Table Bay fault sits near Koeberg from the epicenter of the Tulbagh earthquake that killed 12 people in 1969.

The Earth Science Council confirmed the discovery this week, but reassured there was no evidence to suggest the new flaw is active or poses a seismic threat.

Council spokesman David Khoza said this was not a newly formed bug, but an ancient structure that has now been mapped.

“This error has existed for at least 100 million years, if not 500 million years,” Khouza noted.

The epicenter of the earthquake, which measured 6.2 on the Richter scale, last week was 1,600 kilometers southeast of Cape Town.

A subsequent tremor was measured at a reading of 2.9 in the Malmesbury area, with Milnerton to blame.

The government has claimed that Koeberg is designed to withstand earthquakes of up to 7.5 on the Richter scale, thanks to a giant built-in shock absorber made of neoprene.

The safety concern comes amid the arrival of the first of six new steam generators to be installed at the power plant this week.

Koeberg has already completed 36 of its 40 years of its original design life, but Eskom plans to extend this by another 20 years with replacement generators.

The first three generators will be installed in Unit 1 between February 2021 and June 2021, while the next three will be added in Unit 2 between January 2022 and May 2022.

More nuclear plans

Although the government is moving away from building nuclear power, Energy and Mineral Resources Minister Guidi Mantashi emphasized that nuclear energy remains part of the country’s plans.

In May, the ministry said it plans to expand nuclear capacity within the next five years.

Koeberg is currently the only nuclear reactor in South Africa. The campaign to create additional facilities faded considerably after the ruling party forced President Jacob Zuma to step down in 2018.

The additional factories were widely seen as prohibitively expensive, and the country’s economic recession weakened the government’s ability to pay for them. Under Zuma, the government was pushing to build multiple nuclear plants in the country, which some analysts predicted would cost the country more than R $ 1 trillion.

Speaking at the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) general conference earlier this month, Mantache said South Africa has begun consultations with suppliers of nuclear power reactors to provide information on costs, scheduling and potential ownership models, through a request for information on 2,500 megawatts. The program was released in June 2020.

Read now: Dark days ahead for South Africa.

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