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SG Earthquakes defeated the Los Angeles Galaxy 2-1 to claim their second successive victory

SG Earthquakes defeated the Los Angeles Galaxy 2-1 to claim their second successive victory
SG Earthquakes defeated the Los Angeles Galaxy 2-1 to claim their second successive victory


Andres Rios scored from the penalty spot in the 82nd minute and hosts San Jose Earthquakes drew 2-1 over the Los Angeles Galaxy to drop out of last place in the Western Conference.

It was the second game in a row that Earthquakes had gathered for a 2–1 win, and he did the same against Los Angeles FC on September 27. Galaxy lost its fourth game in a row to be located in the basement of the conference standings.

“Tonight, we were cheerful. In those last two games the players did a lot.” Matthias Almeida, the team’s manager, said in the post-match match on the team’s website: “They believe more in themselves, and fortunately after a long time we were able to train for a week One in a row. ”“ I think today we faced a very difficult opponent, the previous match as well, and we were able to compete and achieve victory. ”

Reus’ chance came from the penalty spot after San Jose’s Chia Salinas went wrong in the penalty area at the hands of Galaxy defender Rolf Felcher. It was the third goal of the season for Rios.

The Galaxy took the lead (4-7-3, 15 points) 1-0 in the fourth minute when Sebastian Lilletgate scored a goal. Earthquakes tied (4-6-5, 17 points) in the 42nd minute when Marcos Lopez scored his first goal of the season and the first in the Major League Soccer.

Hi everyone.

We are San Jose Earthquakes.

We claim Kali for this week.

– San Jose Earthquakes (@SJEarthquakes) October 4, 2020

San Jose have given up just two goals in their last two games after back-to-back modest defeats, losing to Colorado Rapids and Portland Timbers 11-1.

In his pursuit of striker Javier “Chicharito” Hernandez, the Galaxy had a promising start. After a pass from Christian Pavon, Chicharito fired a left-footed shot off the right post. Lillett pounced on the rebound and fired a shot past San Jose GT Marcinkowski’s goalkeeper.

It was Litgate’s sixth goal this season to link him with Pavon to lead the team.

Earthquakes happened even before the break. Lopez took a pass from Nick Lima, found space on the left side of the goal, and fired a left-footed shot across the penalty area and into the upper right corner of the goal after Galaxy goalkeeper David Bingham.

After the match, Lopez said, “We never give up and always want to go forward.” “We are overcoming our bad streak. We are fighting hard and this team has a lot to give for this league and competition.”

The match marked the start of the Galaxy for striker Yoni Gonfica, who was acquired on loan in August from SL Benfica in Portugal. Gonzales entered the 72nd minute for Lletget.

Earthquakes had a chance to equalize in the 12th minute, but Chris Wondolowski’s penalty shot into the lower right corner of the goal was saved by Bingham.

– Field Level Media via Reuters


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