Commentary: An earthquake shook the world
From left, Bahraini Foreign Minister Abdul Latif Al Zayani, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, President Donald Trump, and UAE Foreign Minister Abdullah bin Zayed Al Nahyan at the signing ceremony of the Ibrahim Accords at the White House, September 15, 2020 (Saul Loeb) / AFP Getty Images via JTA) The Abraham Agreements are an agreement between peoples, not just states.
The Abraham Accords, signed by Israel, the United Arab Emirates and Bahrain, which are the first Arab / Islamic countries to recognize Israel since 1994, come from full acceptance and partnership.
It is clear that the Ibrahim Accords bear the title “peace treaty” in the Arabic language, as the Arabic term for “treaty” is understood to be a much higher and more important level than the less significant Arabic term for “agreement” (used for Israel – the Egypt and Jordan Agreements). No two Arab states have entered into a treaty with Israel at the same time.
This is a peace treaty between peoples, not just governments: the inauguration of tourism, business investment, cultural relations, banking, air travel, cell phone, and Internet exchanges – many of which began just moments after the agreements were announced a month ago. Significantly, previous Egyptian and Jordanian agreements with Israel led to a cold peace without tourism, commercial investment and building relationships between people. The self-interest of Bahrain and the United Arab Emirates supports this peace treaty, as it seeks to benefit from (1) Israel’s multidisciplinary expertise and strength and (2) American support. Bahrain and the United Arab Emirates are among the richest and most stable countries, due to the security of their clans and their leadership structures.
Palestinian obstinacy
President Trump has turned the foreign policy expert’s conventional wisdom on its head. He put the interests of regional Arab governments first – not the Palestinians’ continued intransigence in making real peace. Before his presidency, Trump viewed the UAE as the next peace breakthrough in the Middle East.
The agreements were motivated by his unequivocal support for Israel as a major ally. Implement the 1995 United States General Law, the Jerusalem Embassy Act, after 25 years of inactivity by previous administrations; Harsh Iranian sanctions and US independence in the field of energy.
Experts said that recognition of Jerusalem would lead to riots across the Arab world – they were bogus. President Trump clearly deserves a Nobel Peace Prize nomination for the peace leap in the Middle East.
The impetus for this peace was the commitment of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to the fundamental facts at the root of the failed Oslo process. You cannot make peace with people who seek to destroy you and reward killers. Peace is achieved with those who accept you.
The Abraham Peace Treaty is historical and revolutionary – with Arab / Islamic recognition of the threats and destruction of Iranians and jihadists, and the failures of the “Arab Spring”, and that Israel is not the enemy. It shows that the Palestinian issue is considered marginal. There is widespread discontent with Palestinian rejectionism, corruption, selfishness, and self-failure.
Opposing coalitions
How does this agreement affect the Arab world? Dr. Mordechai Keidar, a scholar of Arab and Islamic culture and a prominent Israeli expert in the Middle East and the Arab world, explains that there is no longer an “Arab world” – the geopolitical divide in the Middle East consisting of “two alliances” today.
The Iran-led coalition includes Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Qatar and the Gaza Strip, led by Hamas and Hezbollah, with the support of Turkey and the support of Russia and China. This alliance is the Alliance of Death and Destruction and the main sponsor of violent terrorism around the world.
The Saudi-led coalition, supported by the United States, consists of Egypt, Jordan, Bahrain, the United Arab Emirates, Oman, Kuwait, Israel, Sudan, Chad, Tunisia, and Morocco. This camp focuses on life, growth, and the future, united by a mutual fear of Iranian domination.
Indeed, Bahrain and the UAE would not have entered into the agreements without the full approval of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. The Saudi Minister of Information just tweeted that he had ratified the agreements. Prime Minister Netanyahu’s relations that were forged with most Arab / Islamic countries, and many Arab countries, paved the way, alongside the strength of Israel and the common enemy, Iran. Many Arab / Muslim countries have already ratified the treaty.
The massacre of the ISIS “caliphate”. The Syrian civil war slaughtered a million people. The deaths of the recent Beirut bombing and the chaos – all of which alienated the Arab public from the Iran-led camp.
While more common interests between Arabs, Muslims and Israel line up to normalize relations, we see that peace does not come from giving up the Jewish right to the Land of Israel, but from a place of strength and pride in the Jewish identity.
Sheldon El Frisch is the president of the Zionist Organization of America and the Michigan Territory.
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