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EU announces April Fool ‘fake news’


The EU has urged the media not to release April Fool “fake news” this year to help combat the lies of the Russian state.

“Protecting our democratic processes and institutions from Russian misinformation has become a major challenge in the modern age,” the European Commission said in a “recommendation” late on Tuesday (March 31st).

“To help address this, the commission is proposing to put an end to the usual Foke News artist tradition of April Fool in the European media,” it said.

The move comes after the EU foreign service also accused Russia of “polluting the information space”, which caused “real-world consequences”.

Divine news in Russian media claims that the US used ants as a biological weapon, for example, that Western countries practiced gay cannibalism, and former Swedish Foreign Minister Margot Wallström advocated mass castration of whites.

At the same time, many media outlets in Europe published on April 1 each year false articles according to European custom, returning to medieval festivities, but now at the risk of making matters worse.

EUobserver-a fake news On April 1, 2015, for example, saying that two Russian navy ships were seized by EU institutions was reported as real news the then Russian media.

Such a thing was not funny in the current climate, an EU statement said on Tuesday.

EU communication came after the Thai military junta also imposed a draconian one laws against April Fools difficulties for reasons of public safety.

But the European Commission added, on a key condition, that it had no legal mandate on cultural affairs, leaving European newspapers free to mislead their readers.

“Although they are responsible for providing factual news to the public, free and independent media are the cornerstone of a pluralistic and open society,” the commission said in a statement.

“The suspension, with full respect for the values ​​and fundamental rights of the EU, guided by April Fool’s practices, should be done on a voluntary basis,” it was stressed.

And the whole initiative should be “supported by stakeholders in the shared spirit of European historic festivities in April,” it said.

True and false

Asked by EUobserver whether the provision made holes that made the EU recommendation sound “little more than a joke,” a spokesman for the commission said: “The argument is similar to the question of whether the same person can say what is both true and false at the same time.”

For its part, the Russian embassy has antithetized the commission for making “cheap conflict”.

But senior Russian officials, such as former Kremlin aide Vladislav Surkov, have also boasted of “playing with Western minds” in the past to create “paranormal inclinations.”

“It’s like looking in a mirror with another mirror behind you,” said an EU source.

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