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K-pop star Kim Jaejoong says April for the fool’s day over COVID-19 hospitalization should raise awareness


In what initially seemed like a serious Instagram post, K-pop star Kim Jaejoong revealed to her 1.9 million followers that she has contracted COVID-19 and is currently hospitalized for treatment. from deleted post it was later clarified that April is April and seems to be an attempt to raise awareness.

Following the news that initially broke, Kim’s dealership label and agency C-Jes Entertainment

in Korea, they responded to reports saying they were verifying that the star is currently in Japan. Just yesterday (March 31st), the 34-year-old appeared in a Japanese music show Utacon among others popular actors like J-pop girl group Nogizaka46 and pop-R&B singer May J

Fifty minutes after the announcement, the singer updated the title to reveal that it was April Fools’ Day, explaining that he did not make the controversial post as a joke, but as a warning to people to take better care of themselves. He said it while he “He went pretty far for First Fool’s Day,“He has family and friends who” get sick … and die. “

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The whole post is fully translated K-pop news site Soompi, The following is an excerpt:

“Although this for April Fools’ Day has gone a long way, many people have worried about me in a short time … Oh, and I don’t think of it as an April joke. My family and my friends get sick … and die … it never is !! just someone else’s problem. I wanted to tell you that by protecting myself, I protect the precious people around us … I will accept all the punishment I receive from this post. I hope you are all healthy. ”

In the original post, the singer-actor apologized for his diagnosis and said he ignored the advice of the government and those around him (according to Soompi’s translation).

As previously reported, concerns about the coronavirus have caused many hits to the K-pop industry as many overseas events have been canceled or delayed, TV shows stopped or continued without audiences, and some artists have even withdrawn music plans. While there are concerns of some artists visiting other affected countries, no K-pop performers have yet been affected by the disease.

Both Japan and South Korea have dealt with the effects of the global pandemic. Korea has reported just under 10,000 cases to date, with 165 deaths reported, while Japan recorded just over 2,000 and 57 deaths. Both countries have largely been able to “flatten” their curves when it comes to the rise in coronavirus cases. To date, there have been more than 850,000 cases of coronaviruses worldwide and more than 42,000 deaths.

As a former member of the TVXQ boy band! as well as the JYJ trio, Kim Jaejoong has been active in the music industry for over 15 years. After his debut with TVXQ! In 2003 he released several solo albums in Korea and Japan (most recently leading in Japan’s local Oricon

a list of singles with “Lock !! Lock !! Lock !!”) and has branched out into TV that works in both territories.

Check out Kim’s full post on Instagram below:

Updated (4:20 AM EDT): Shortly after this story was published, Kim’s Instagram post has been removed.


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