From PM to published author: Andrew Fury has released a book on working in Haiti
Prime Minister Andrew Fury’s first book was released on Tuesday. (Eddie Kennedy / CBC)
Before Andrew Fury became Prime Minister of Newfoundland and Labrador, he was a busy orthopedic surgeon and founder of Team Broken Earth, a non-profit medical relief group.
Now, he added another line to his biography: published author.
Hope in the Balance: A Newfoundland doctor meets a world in crisis telling the stories behind immediate action in Haiti in the aftermath of the devastating 2010 earthquake, which killed an estimated 250,000 people and displaced a million others.
“This book was part of a pilgrimage for me, I think,” Fury told CBC Radio as it happens.
“Find out who I am, and honestly I release some of my feelings about some of what I saw.”
Watching the effects of the earthquake from his home in Newfoundland 10 years ago, Fury said he was shocked by what he saw – and knew he needed to do something to help.
“When I saw these pictures and these hardships coming straight into my living room, I knew that from a medical perspective, Haitians in the earthquake would die from head injuries or abdominal injuries, but they would not necessarily die from broken bones,” he said.
“This is what I do for a living. I felt compelled to help.”
Furey made several trips to Haiti as part of Team Broken Earth, the first to come after a devastating earthquake in 2010. (Submitted by Art Rideout and Andrew Furey)
Fury set out to organize Team Broken Earth, round up healthcare colleagues and head to Haiti to provide medical services. There were six such missions in the first two years of the earthquake alone, with doctors and nurses delivering babies, performing surgeries, and treating hundreds of patients at a time.
However, Fury said his book reveals some of the self-doubt he dealt with in the midst of the early days of the effort.
He said, “I think we all feel this when we are dealing with new challenges. I felt I wanted to contribute, and I felt that self-doubt was a kind of obstacle to be overcome.”
“But I feel we did a great job there, and created a great foundation on which we can build on even more.”
Team Broken Earth continued its missions to Haiti as well as a few other countries, and expanded to include healthcare professionals from all over Canada.
Island Communications
While Haiti and Newfoundland have vastly different climates and dates, Fury said he managed to connect the two islands in his book.
“There is something in the island mentality that brings people closer together a little … a stronger sense of community, because you are forced into it, with isolation. And I see that is reflected in the communities around Haiti as well,” he said.
As it happens 12:57 how the new NL prime minister helped mobilize an army of volunteer doctors and nurses in Haiti
Newfoundland Premier and Labrador Andrew Fury speaks to “as it happens” host Carroll Off about his new book. Hope In The Balance, on his years working in Haiti as a trauma surgeon after the 2010 earthquake. 27:12
The experiences in Haiti also connected Fawry with his family in Newfoundland, where he recounted a trip he made to an orphanage after the earthquake.
He said, “At the second orphanage that I went to, there were children in cages to protect them, apparently. It hit me badly in the guts.”
“There were two children, five or six, in a room alone. That was the age my father was when he was taken to Mount Cashel and put in a dormitory with other children.”
Mount Cashel has been a boys’ orphanage in St. John’s where boys have been abused by Christian brothers for decades.
Frey’s father, George Frye, has gone on to become a teacher and attorney, and has been in the Senate since 1999.
“To see his journey taking place on a different stage, there was a feeling of hopelessness among the orphans who had been abandoned in that orphanage, and that they would not get the same opportunities that my father or my children had … That day definitely changed me.” Farea said.
Fury won the by-elections in the Humber Grose Morne on October 6, and secured a seat in the House of Representatives. (Troy Turner / CBC) Career transformation
Fury became a newly published author in the wake of his first foray into politics. He won the liberal leadership race in Newfoundland and Labrador in August, became prime minister in the process, and won the by-elections on October 6 for a seat in the provincial legislature.
Fury said he is building on his experiences as a doctor as he moves into his new career, particularly the teamwork side of surgery.
He said, “You cannot know everything about everything, but surrounding yourself with good people with a common goal can achieve more than you can imagine.”
He said the behind-the-scenes organization of the surgical and educational teams participating in Team Broken Earth became beneficial as well.
“I think these skills and decision-making are transferable and can be transformative when you take these skills into political life. That’s what I plan to do,” he said.
Furey on the Team Broken Earth mission in 2014. He says the organizational skills he learned through the charity are now within reach in the political world. (Anthony Germain / CBC) Boycott Diagnosis
Fury took command of Newfoundland and Labrador at a turbulent time, as the province grappled with near-record deficits, disruption to the offshore oil sector, and ongoing disruption from COVID-19.
But in his eyes, Fury said the boycott diagnosis was “critical but stable.”
“The patient will survive. We will get past this on the other side,” he said.
“The patient will not die, I guarantee you.”
Al-Frey said that there is “hope and optimism” for the province’s future, and that the province has barely scratched the surface when it comes to industries like green energy and technology.
“We will always depend on our natural resources, be it fish, forests or beyond. But technology can help all of these industries and it can diversify our economy in a more robust way.”
However, Fury added that there is no doubt that Newfoundland and Labrador will need the support of the federal government in the future.
“We have contributed to Canada. We have contributed our resources, we have contributed to our culture, we have contributed in terms of finances. This is how the federation works, and I am happy, and I think everyone Newfoundlanders and Labradorians think we are part of this union.”
Read more from CBC Newfoundland and Labrador
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