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The deadline for EQC compensation is unfair, advocates say homeowners affected by the earthquake

The deadline for EQC compensation is unfair, advocates say homeowners affected by the earthquake


It is time for property owners that were damaged by the earthquake sold in Canterbury to apply to claim money in exchange for failed repairs.

The government announced last year that it would grant gratuity payments to homeowners who have properties that exceeded the EQC threshold and then the $ 100,000 ceiling, in addition to the goods and services tax.

Yesterday was the last day for applications after the August deadline was extended due to Covid-19.

But there are calls for this deadline to be extended again, as requests have been pouring in over the past month.

Applications are open for the 14-month “on-solds” program, and EQC has received 4,000 applications.

But there was a lagged increase, with 1,500 of those coming in over the past month.

It’s because of the good promotions, said Pip Andrews, head of the sold EQC division.

“We’ve seen, maybe in the last eight weeks, a spike in the number of requests that I think is due to our recent dispatch.”

Although the date has already been extended once, Andrews said there are no further extensions to the deadlines.

“We have been working for 14 months now. So there was an opportunity to submit applications for that time period. There will be no extension to the current deadline, so I think my message is to get your application today,” she said.

The program is expected to cost $ 300 million, and just over $ 14 million has been paid so far.

Peter Woods, a partner at law firm Anthony Harper, said more time was needed.

Woods led the EQC Group Action, made up of earthquake-damaged property owners who moved the EQC to the Supreme Court.

He said the over-the-cap program was a good thing, but the deadline was unfair.

“There will be thousands of homes in Christchurch that have been sold and people are still trying to determine whether or not the EQC repair is correct. There will be a lot of people who still don’t even know they have a problem,” Woods said.

Ali Jones, who chairs the Claims Reference Group, applied for the sale upon the sale of her new home, which was found to have not been adequately repaired.

It has been a relatively smooth process, she said, but is not convinced that further extensions are necessary.

Jones said there would always be people who discovered damaged homes or those who should have enrolled in the program.

“In two or three years, even in six months, people might go to sell their house. They bought it, they thought it was repaired and found there was hundreds of thousands of dollars in damage that needed to be repaired and I don’t know,” How do you spend that completely in the bud.

But Jones said that allowing and dropping a one-month extension on Covid would make perfect sense.

The deadline never should have been, said Mel Burke, a spokesperson for – a group that works on EQC accounting -.

“I think the Treasury and EQC fully understand the enormous scale of missed damages, omissions and errors that are in Canterbury,” she said.

“And in my opinion, by setting a deadline for that, it is likely to be a way of trying to reduce what I would consider their permanent responsibility to Canterbury.”

Her advice to people is; If you are in doubt about applying for the retail program, apply immediately. If anyone misses the date you think there will be a legal way to proceed.

In a statement this afternoon, EQC Secretary Grant Robertson ruled out extending the deadline for the program.

“One year was deemed sufficient time for people to assess their property, seek expert advice and file a claim if they believed they were eligible. The one-year period was extended to allow time when properties could not be valued during the Covid lockdown,” he said.

“These issues have lasted long enough for the Cantabrian population already and the time period will not be extended further.”

Those who own properties that have sold out and have failed repairs or missed the earthquake have until midnight to apply to EQC.

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