Delegations from more than 110 countries gathered to draw up national plans and negotiate a joint declaration on oral health...
Ukrainian officials are dealing with a new type of missile launched from Russia, which was used to attack the city of Dnipro. CNN's Nick Paton Walsh...
Pakistan's capital, Islamabad, is under lockdown for a second day as thousands of protesters converge on the city demanding the release of former prime minister Imran...
Heavy rains have flooded displaced Palestinian camps along the Gaza Strip.[Harpidetu: [Subscribe:] The overnight rain damaged the shelters built by those forced to flee their homes....
NBEren klimaren azken goi bilera amaitzear dago Azerbaijanen, eta herrialdeek isuriak murrizteko neurri gehiago hartzeko deia egin dute. Mundu mailako erantzunetarako funtsezkoa da Amerika – munduko...
Seventeen people, including two Britons, are missing after a tourist boat capsized in the Red Sea.[Harpidetu: [Subscribe:] Officials said that 28 people have been rescued so...