Police say violence and theft have increased since the earthquake that struck Port Vila on December 17. Photo: Agence France-Presse...
– Is this a joke? A Los Angeles tech company was caught in a self-driving taxi on its way to the airport last month, circling the...
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British officials on the Pacific island of Vanuatu have given nearly half a million dollars to UNICEF Pacific. These funds will support children affected by the...
The 14-year-old stabbing victim in Woolwich has been named as Kelyan Bokassa.[Harpidetu: [Subscribe:https://bit.ly/C4_Albisteak_Harpidetu] ——- Get more news on our website – https://www.channel4.com/news/ Follow us on: TikTok...
Pulitzer-winning cartoonist Ann Telnaes has resigned from The Washington Post after the newspaper refused to publish her satirical cartoon criticizing owner Jeff Bezos and other tech...