Fans on Coronation Street are disappointed after April Fool jokes
Coronation Street fans had hope yesterday – before concluding their release date – when a soap opera on their Twitter account announced that the show would continue to make episodes even after they ran out, but in animated form.
They are posting a cartoon clip from Kirk and Beth – who is the author Andrew Whyment – the announcement excited several fans as it stated that the new format would replace the usual recording style while the set remains closed in the middle coronavirus pandemic.
Some immediately smelled a rat – but others are now demanding that the April Fool’s Grass become something the show will look at.
Of course, animating and expressing a few weekly cartoon episodes would be quite a headache, while everyone is in isolation, and now viewers who got involved with the idea are very disappointed that it was all a gimmick.
Never trust the guys of the first Fool’s Day, not even our soap operas!
One said, “It’s April Fools, but if this lock continues, I think you really should think about it for actual tbh.”
Another added: ‘I put it on my fb! I was really looking forward to it lol #gutted ‘
While someone else heard, “I wish this wasn’t a joke!”
Same, to be honest.
Coronation Street is currently airing three weekly episodes on Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 7:30 pm on ITV.
The show expects to have enough episodes that could last through the summer.
Yesterday, former star Kym Marsh commented that it seemed strange that the show was not currently being screened but added that it was “the right decision.”
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