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INFOSAN Quarterly Summary, 2020 no

INFOSAN Quarterly Summary, 2020 no


Food safety events

During the third quarter of 2020, the INFOSAN Secretariat was involved in 37 food safety events involving 78 WHO Member States and five WHO Member Territories. There were 18 events involving biological hazard (Salmonella [10],, Listeria monocytogenes [2],, E. inches [2], Norovirus [1],, Pseudomonas spp. [1],, Clostridium botulinum [1],, Bacillus cereusAnd [1],, Campylobacter spp.And [1] and Enterococcus faecalisAnd [1]); six involving an unreported allergen (peanuts [2], milkb [2], eggc [1], soyc [1], walnuts [1] and hazelnutsb [1]); five involving physical danger (plastic [2] glass [2] and foreign substances [1]); five involving a chemical hazard (histamine [3], Clenbuterol [1] and phytohemagglutinin [1]); and three involving an unidentified hazard.

During the third quarter of 2020, the most commonly included food categories (within 37 events) were: nuts and oilseeds (5); snacks, desserts and other food (5); fish and other seafood (4); meat and meat products (4); vegetables and vegetable products (4); milk and milk products (3); herbs, spices and condiments (2); legumes and legumes (2); composite food (2); fruits and fruit products (2); fruit and vegetable juice (1); food for infants and young children (1); eggs and egg products (1); and cereals and cereal-based products (1).

During such international food safety events, the INFOSAN Secretariat relies on the prompt action of the national INFOSAN Emergency Contact Points (ECPs) to respond to requests for information. The rapid exchange of information through INFOSAN allows members to implement appropriate risk management measures to prevent disease.

Geographical scope

These food safety events included Member States and territories from all WHO regions: Europe (37), then the Western Pacific (16), the Americas (11), Africa (9), the Eastern Mediterranean (9) and finally the South East. Asia (1).

Outbreak in several states Salmonella Enteritidis infections associated with fresh peaches from the United States

During this quarter, the outbreak of more countries than Salmonella Enteritidis infections in the United States (USA) and Canada associated with the consumption of fresh peaches produced in the United States have been reported to the INFOSAN Secretariat. From August 27, 2020 in NOW are associated with a strain of disease outbreak Salmonella Enteritidis; no deaths were reported. IN Canada, as of September 2, 2020, 48 cases related to this epidemic have been confirmed; no deaths were reported. Investigations are still ongoing.

Implied products have been internationally distributed since NOW to Australia, China, Costa Rica, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, Panama, the Philippines, the United Arab Emirates (UAE), Singapore and Taiwan (China). In addition, through the ECP in New Zealand, the INFOSAN Secretariat was also informed about the distribution of implied products to New Zealand where the authorities launched remind of the products concerned. These products were re-exported from New Zealand to the Cook Islands, French Polynesia (France), Samoa and Tonga.

During the event, information on the details of the implied products was distributed to network members to facilitate the implementation of risk management measures. Through collaboration with the ECP in the US, details of complete genome sequencing have also been shared to facilitate the identification of possible cases of matching in recipient countries. Several recipient countries shared with the INFOSAN secretariat details of the risk management measures implemented in response to the distribution of implied products. No further cases of the disease have been reported to the INFOSAN Secretariat in recipient countries outside the United States and Canada.

News and activities

The INFOSANA study is ongoing

The results of the second phase of the ongoing INFOSANA study will soon be published in the Journal of Protection Food. An early online edition of the article is already available online under the title, Research of the International Food Safety Authority Network as a Community of Practice: Results of a Global Survey of Network Members. This research is the first research and description of the experiences of INFOSAN members with regard to their participation in networking activities to improve global food safety and prevention of foodborne diseases and to describe the characteristics of INFOSAN as a community of practice. The results suggest that INFOSAN is a valued tool used globally to reduce the burden of foodborne illness and save lives. The results of this study can serve as a priority for future activities to further strengthen the network and support member participation. As a reminder, the results from the first phase of the study have already been published, here. The third and final phase is currently underway, and the results will be announced in due course. All details of the entire study are available online, here. The INFOSAN Secretariat would like to thank the members once again for participating in the study.

INFOSAN Working Groups

The second and third meetings of the INFOSAN working groups were held online in August and September 2020.

For the second session, participants discussed the topic of food recall in an international context: effective governance and communication with stakeholders. During the discussion, challenges and opportunities from a national perspective on the effective implementation of the food recall were discussed. A number of recommendations have also been developed, including a proactive notification to INFOSAN on the international food recall. During the third session, the group discussed food allergens, outlining their experiences in addressing allergen problems, including, for example, national regulatory frameworks, among others. The INFOSAN Secretariat plans to hold further working groups in the coming months.

The outcomes of these working group discussions will be shared with all network members when available.

Kuwait National Virtual Workshop INFOSAN

In an effort to support countries in strengthening their capacity to manage food safety risks, multi-agency national workshops have previously been organized in several countries with the support of the INFOSAN Secretariat. Such workshops bring together national INFOSAN members to improve national coordination and communication across sectors and across borders. Due to the ongoing pandemic and related travel restrictions, physical workshops are limited. However, with the support and initiative of INFOSAN members in Kuwait, the first INFOSAN virtual workshop was held over two days in September and was attended by several national agencies involved in food safety. The INFOSAN Secretariat thanks the members of INFOSAN in Kuwait for their enthusiasm and commitment to improving the way food safety incidents are recognized, responded to and communicated in their country. Other Member States interested in organizing INFOSAN national virtual workshops may express their interest to the Secretariat.

The voice of the active network member

INFOSAN Quarterly Summary Glas-3-2020

And All three were involved in one incident B. cereus,, Campylobacter sp. and Enterococcus faecalis
b One incident involved milk and hazelnuts
c One incident involved both soy and eggs

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